Tonight, she ran at me and rubbed her body the length of mine, growling the whole time. I was really good, I don't mind this kind of thing, in fact it's quite pleasant as she is fully coated. But it didn't last, she got scared and apparently "I SMELL". Well, that's it. I can't be bothered to entertain her and show her the ropes if that's how she feels about me. I am a King and should be treated as such.
But since she has arrived she has eaten and not done much else. Mainly hidden away in the heated kitten box. Everyone has sniffed her and she spat at each of us. Lillibet is terrified and Faith is looking after Lillibet and ignoring the fact there is the cutest wee soul camped out in her kittening room. OMC! Did I just say cute... GAH. What I mean to say is, well, oh heck. I have said it, there is no going back. She is cute and endearing and funny and happy and purrs non stop for the Parentals and pads her tiny weeny paws to draw milky from some poor unsuspecting humans arm. If only that would be possible. We could be rolling in cream every minute of the day. ::day dreaming about cream::
But, I guess, I am the welcoming party and it is my duty as King Cat to welcome any new Pride members. Welcome Gracie or Esperanza Anne of Maystar. There will be some initiation ceremony real soon and I am guessing she will entertain us no end as soon as she settles into a routine and stops scaring everyone and herself.
KS =^..^=