We have, in total, seven cat flaps here at Maystar HQ. It's like Fort Knox in the Kitten Room with one to get into the room and a further one to get into the Kitten Pen. Then there is a double one in the kitchen, one each side of the going out wall and the coming in wall where there is the cavity wall to negotiate. It's tight and you have to be quite svelt to fit through both. Each of the Stud Houses have one too. But only the kitten room has the special microchip type so only mummy cats can come and go...well, that is unless you are super smart!
There have been a couple of cases recently where I have let my tummy rule my mind and found myself in quite the predicament. May I also add that Flaire started all this and I was merely being a copycat!. There is a cat flap into the kitten pen so Mummy cats can go and visit their babies. You don't need a chip to enter, but you do to leave this is mainly due to baby cats learning how the door works and Momma's laziness at not removing it after the little ones have flown the nest. I followed Flaire's example and got well and truly trapped in there. I cried and banged on the door, but Momma and ManSlave were out. When they came home, they heard mewling. Momma looked everywhere and still I couldn't be found. ManSlave said that it can't be that hard as we didn't live in a mansion!!! They both looked and each time anyone came near to where I was stuck, I was so quiet and hid in the hooded bed in the dark recess of the kitten pen and held my breath. I watched them check everywhere then I couldn't hold my breath any longer and my tummy was rumbling and out came a loud squeak and I was found!
After I made that silly squeak and tumbled out standing on my head, butt in the air and was lifted up and kissed all over which made me very giddy indeed. They laughed so hard as it reminded them of their first Devon, Dewie, who was stuck up a tree for a whole day and night because he held his breath!
When Flaire broke in, she ate so much kitten food she made her tummy very sore and stinky. At least when I did it I only chewed through four tetrapaks of Bozita leaving a trail of liquidy meat juices all over the freshly washed kitten beds which I tried to clean of with my licker but made it worse! SaBreena broke in once and piddled in all the fresh kitten bedding, Momma was furious. That is the only unfortunate problem with the 'humane cat trap' you get found out! What's a bit of washing and drying all day anyway- Momma loves it!
There is a separate microchip catflap going into the Kitten room which only us girls know how to access and you have to have your microchip registered or you don't get in unless you manage to sneak in unnoticed. However, if you are in there, you can leave anytime you want to. This, unfortunately, becomes a problem too as some very clever naughty kittens of FillyCat's have been doing just that and escaping out of there into the hallways and beyond. They are just too smart for their own good sometimes. These flaps are all very clever un less you are smarter than the average cat and have opposable thumbs.
Yesterday, Momma started her rounds early morning and there was Sol, outside? He was moaning, face pressed up against the back door looking distraught and his frozen breath made meow shapes in the frosty glass. He dashed inside when she opened the door, ears and feet chilled but body all floofed out and warm as toast in his thick coat. He was definitely in at midnight so she checked the camera. There, 6.04am he pushes through the first flap squashing himself past the 'thermal hole plug' that even Momma struggles to force into the aperture each night and yank out each morning. He had pushed it into the cavity wall and then squeezed through to the second door to the outside. The only unfortunate issue was, he couldn't do the return journey as the 'thermal hole plug' had dropped down against the door, trapping him in the cold morning dew. Luckily, there is a covered cat bed out there to shelter in and I guess he was happy watching the birdies and Horraces.
Magnus Rex uses his catflap like a battering ram and he launches himself, full speed at it. Crashing through like a great bull, head down and charge!!!!! The sound it makes and the speed he goes at it is phenomenal. I do wonder if that's why he is a little brain dead at times being a bit super silly and vacant at times. Ikon is a different kettle of fish, he will paw and paw and paw at his flap as it must open for him to present himself to the world in all his golden glory. Then there is Faith who dislikes it when the flap touches her face so she too paws at it and pulls it towards her and ducks underneath.
SaBreena is a whirlwind and has never cared about such problems. She is a catflap genius. Where as Flaire will only use a cat flap if it is jammed open so she can meander through it - well, that is not entirely true, if she has a kitten or food...she CAN use one, but would rather a clean exit. unlike Gazoo who can not figure out how the cat flap system even works. She knows she wants to go out but just lays next to like her auto feeder and hopes it will open. She is a real dope, the Daughter of Magnus Rex, so I am saying nothing!! She will flounce about the microchip feeders and sloth along until one opens. She has a built in ridiculous notion that everything must be approached backwards. She drinks from the water fountain whilst standing looped around a feeder, and one paw on the windowsill. She even climbs a perfectly good cat tree BACKWARDS? She is just as quirky as her voice!
Elton is the new fella, he is learning to follow the other bigger cats. Lillibet doesn't do flaps, she would startve before pushing that piece of plastic with her face. FillyCat always gallops through catflaps and did from day one of arriving. She is a force to be reckoned with and uses them as entertainment like an eventing horse, she hurdles through,, round and back again just for fun. I do not know where she gets her energy from?
Today is a special day of new beginnings and much more fruit and veg in the Parentals diets so they are celebrating with a huge forerib of Charolais in the oven. Mmmm. The light is on, I can see it roasting away and now I am healed with my new pills regime, I may have a small piece of it later with anyone else who manages to get a front row seat on the armchair beside Momma. Because there is a bone in there we may even get to race it about the floor in a rare treat. Not sure how many nut roasts I shall be blogging about in the future?
It's good to be back and thank you all for being here (there) for the Maystar Pride.
Your one and only Queen Vee =^..^=