Out with the cystease to reduce stress, the antibiotics to stop the stinky smell, the metacam to help her with discomfort and finally, Momma's secret weapon L-Methionine. Now the last ingredient, given at the correct daily cat dose really does work wonders for those of us with Struvite issues. It is not a veterinary product and the reason for that is Methionine does can prevent the formation of struvite stones which are caused by an overly high alkaline content in the urine, however, too much and the bladder stones can oxylate causing more damage than good. It is a very finite amount but I can tell you from MY PURRSONAL experiance, nothing on this earth works better for us pussers than this magic ingredient for 3 days only in emergency situations! There is a nasty paste you can buy with it in, but it's a trace ingredient and has never worked AND we HATE it...not ATE it!!
So, after 7 days of this and that, Lillibet was back to normal, only for Flaire to have a major chin enlargement. At first, we thought she had been to have collagen put in it to make it stronger and more jutty, but then it grew and grew out of control and she had to visit Vet Maria at Broad Lane to get antibiotics and Metacam. Can you see the irony of this having just used up the emergency BLADDER AID KIT. Vet Maria thinks a claw caught her and infected her lips and chin, I still believe she had her 'lips done' and it went wrong. ManSlave and her are always smooching and she is a glamour puss! Now a week on from that and she is now all better. Well, she 'was' until she realised that the lovely food she had been offered being poorly and unable to eat kibble was much better for her and refused even that point blank this morning making Momma go out and buy little tuna packets for her...sigh... She really is a drama queen.
In between Lillibet and Flaire's dramas, Eros had a little drama of his own. Momma had a snap decision to neuter him! OUTCHIE! I mean why Momma. Well, Eros is a super happy friendly little chap, he can be a bit of a jack ass to me, but on the whole, he is pliable. Recently, with all his testosterone influx, he just couldn't concentrate on anything but his furry dice. This lead to him making himself quite ill with sickness and also a dodgy belly because he just would't eat properly. He would heave and nothing came up because his tummy was empty and whatever he did eat had no good bacteria to feast on and came out swiftly. Momma tried all the pastes with good bacteria in and synbiotic DC for real emergencies and still he wavered about getting thinner and thinner. His coat was rubbish and lost it's marshmallow feel too. Momma booked him in for blood tests then cancelled and sent off poop samples instead to the lab just in case she had missed something under her microscope and nothing came back. That's it! There is nothing wrong with him, just hormones.
A week on and already he is eating much better and has finally made it past 3k. He is asking for food and despite his wee still being very potent, he doesn't care about the sex bit, which is odd given the short time frame, but I guess his pompoms hurt so badly for 4 days all he did was sleep and eat and this set his tummy straight again and food became his first thought rather than his last. Finally, some sense out of him and hopefully a happy boy in the future. Folks have asked why we didn't give him the NEUTER-UM chip. Well, Suprelorin firstly increases the sex drive 10 fold, especially in the boys. This usually increases spraying to a crazy amount and the hunting of girls is in overdrive. Sadly, Momma just couldn't take the risk of making him even more unhappy and a happy cat is paramount. Never mind, he can stay and be a daft snuggle puss and a good playmate for Mae & Gazoo who love him so much.
I had a breathing fit last night, it was my fault, I ate a fish flavoured kibble that got flicked onto the floor by Mae. It was gone down the little red lane and within 10 minutes I was flailing about on the carpet with Momma holding my head straight and massaging my throat where it spasms. Then i had more antihistamines... h=gag, they are SO bitter!! Besides this one little episode, I have been pretty good and have been awarded the great position of sleeping back in with momma, pressed right into her side all night, only growling if she moves all because Eros lost his pompoms. Gazoo obviously is still sleeping with Momma and is most put out that i have been swapped with Eros so he can eat with out miss snuffle guts getting in on the act. That Gazoo brought in milky for him when he returned from the vets. They have been separated for their own good! For me, it is the elixir of life to sleep next to Momma every night.
Just to touch on why I don't usually sleep with her, well, I kept peeing in her bed! Herrumph. So I am on a trial basis and I have been practicing my pelvic floor exercises as we all know that darned stinging cystitis is a real biatch when it comes to holding your water.
So talking of water, it has rained buckets here and our pet Pigeon, aptly named Pidge, has been after a pair of wading boots. She is a definitely not a duck but frequents the puddles in the garden like one. I am worried her feet may rot off. Some mean bloke pigeon has been grabbing the back of her head and pulling all her feathers out, I mean, it's Autumn people, baby birds are made in spring! Poor Pige is at a total loss being slapped about like this and has now taken to hiding under the garden chair away from her adversary. ManSlave now feeds her under there and she can keep a little dryer too. The Horraces don't seem to mind it and ManSlave has reminded himself that we need more wood chips as they are getting muddy footprints all over our new catio roof. Momma suggested rubber chips but ManSlave said it would be like a giant trampoline and there would be Horraces catapulted into every garden.
Our mundane lives go on.... much love from Queen Vee =^..^=