On the 10th October 2016, the World took a deep breath as we announced "The King is dead, Long Live the King". After a series of being poorlier than usual and not bouncing back the way he always did, we took the decision to allow his to leave us and begin a new life at Rainbow Bridge. He was taken over by a huge infection his skin that was fighting him with sores and cysts, his tummy became swollen and eventually it is thought his bowel was perforating. Our beautiful boy - our head of state, gone in a blink of an eye. His blog, which lasted four years, can still be read and kept many folks laughing and the monies he raised for charities and his breed were insurmountable. He was a one off, a unique and incredibly handsome cat that we were lucky enough to share our life with. With a gap in our hearts and in our home, we trudge on.
KING SLINKY![]() Name: Lexifers Here Comes Trouble Birthday: 20th May 2008 - 5th October 2016 Mummy: Dovepeak Paintedladi Daddy: Castlerock Linford Blood Group:- A(a) Status: Neuter Nicknames: Wrinkle, Rinky, Love Puppet Life Motto: Food before and after foodFavourite Food: Anything Favourite things: Food, Orb Worship & Yawping Slinky is one of those special cats that come into your life and make their mark. He is the smartest, cleverest, aloof and incredibly cheeky cat we have ever had the pleasure of being owned by. He can figure out any puzzle, as long as it's food related, quicker than any cat in the house. He steals if we are not quick enough and has a terrible dairy intolerance... It's worse than gremlins! What ever you do don't feed him after midnight!!! On the flip side he is (towards me) loving, gentle, sweet and kind. Towards most other people, he is just aloof and very 'stiff'. He isn't the cuddliest cat, but he makes up for that with lots of purring and yawping! He is very incredibly talented at getting your attention and he likes nothing better than to remove all the drying laundry from the radiators if you are late home. He has his routine and woe betide anyone who tries to change it. It goes like this - Food, food, food - Food is his biggest love and nothing can stand in the way of him and the fridge! If you open it, he is in there checking out what's for him! If you open a cupboard, he's in there too. Any one would think we starved him! He has twice as much food as anyone in the house and he burns that off running about being crazy mad. Wouldn't have him any other way, he is perfectly naughty! We can't thank Sarah Morgan from Lexifers enough for our very special handsome boy that has his own line of King Slinky Cards and his own Blog. He is totally unique from his looks to his character. You would be hard pushed to find another like him and every one that meets him says the same. If cats were all as smart as Slinky, they would have taken over the world by now! |
The KS BLOG has now been allocated to the youngest member of the family, Queen Vee. You can find me us on Facebook and Twitter as well as follow Q-Vee's blog right here at Maystar Devon Rex
You can shop online for 'King Slinky Cards" which are still in production and will be for many years to come in the Maystar Design Shop |