Maystar Devon Rex - Our Pride our Passion.....
![]() We all at Maystar Devon Rex, graciously welcome new and existing visitors to our site. We love to share and show folks what we are about and what we get up to at home and away at shows.
Feel free to browse and learn more about the Devon Rex Cat and even ask questions about any of us. If you love cats anyway and would like to follow Queen Vee on Facebook or her BLOG you can do that too! King Slinky has his own range of cards and Lillibet has her own 'Limited Edition' felt toys. You can buy both collections in the shop. Thank you for stopping at Maystar Devon Rex, we hope you enjoy your visit. |
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Maystar Mews16 pages of interesting articles from all over the world relating to Devon Rex Cats from Maystar families, other breeders and veterinary articles as well as celebrity article from Comedian, Russell Kane and BBC Photographer, Shirlaine Forrest. It's a little bit of enjoyment with your coffee today!
MAMBO ITALIANO COMES TO MAYSTARMeet our new stud boy, Mambo Jambo or his fancy name GATTOPICCOLINO MJ OF MAYSTAR. he has Heterochromia where melanin is only in one eye leaving the other blue. He certainly looks very striking and will add a new dimension to our breeding program as he carries Dilute and the spotting gene as well as solid colour. So the future will be very colourful indeed. Mambo came to us in unusual circumstances, I was helping a friend out and he was literally brought sight unseen. However, all his genetic tests are 100% and he has a lovely pedigree. We look forward to a lovely future with him. MAY 24
MAE HAD FUN SHOWINGThere are two shows run by friends who have always been supportive personally so I decided to help them by entering Mae into their respective shows. She didn't have a very good time at TICA, the tannoy from FiFE was very loud and she was so upset that we left a day early. However, at the GCCF show she was a dream baby and won her open class. She also strutted her stuff on the catwalk with Photographer, Shirlaine Forrest, who always brings out the best on a photoshoot. FEB 24
Photo Credit Shirlaine Forrest |
FAITH'S DIET WENT FLOPFaith has been doing well on her Solensia but is struggling with two things, the Urticaria and itching it causes after each injection and the fact that we have tried steroids to subdue the itching. They really help and she is now on a tiny maintenance dose. Her coat has plushed up again and she is looking and feeling much brighter. However, with the plush has come a rather large tummy flap, the primordial cat pouch is out of hand and we can no longer feel her ribs.
Vaccines this month have not helped matters as we had to take the steroids off for a month and she began eating herself again all over especially after the Solensia. Poor baby, she has had to have a cat suit on to stop the puritis and itching. We are back at square one, but by May I feel I may have a handle on it all again and get her fighting fit! JAN 24 |
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MAYSTAR MEWS ISSUE 2Here we are again with a bigger fuller issue of the MAYSTAR MEWS bringing you lots of lovely articles from all around the UK. There are 6 more pages to get your teeth into.... so, sit back, grab a coffee and indulge yourself.
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It has been a few months of hard graft, toiling and lots of stubbed toes, bent fingers and cross words... however, we finally have the space of our dreams and are able to enjoy what is left of our British summer. ManSlave, despite his arthritis, has been amazing doing just a few hours a day for a few months. The Rex are all outside enjoying their new enclosure with a 4m covered area and a deck that extends the entire width of our home allowing for lots of racing about. They also have a cat wall with space pods which have been the bane of my life making, but very rewarding. We also have an incredible sliding door out into the garden as well as only herbs and catnip in our catio now to stop the plant chewers. They have a cat wheel which I am renovating for the 3rd time. Those Cats' Claws wheels sure do last! Eros kept making his escape, so that has been solved and the catio combines the stud quarters too making it easy in winter. AUG 23
VEE CAN'T PEEPoor Viktori has been through the wars again with her bladder. We had her settled on AATU duck kibble and TERRA FELIS rabbit tins and all was going great until she began to vomit and her system rejected the duck protein. It took weeks for her sickness to settle, once that did, she got a terrible urine infection, but this time it was the Amoxicillin making her vomit and again, it has been weeks settling her tummy down and trying to keep the antibiotics in her system. twice she has been to Broad Lane for a urine sample and twice they failed so we have to go back to the drawing board as it's all kicking off again down below. JULY 23
FAITH GOES ON A DIETThe only bad thing about Arthritis is being unable to move properly and thus, the weight begins to pile on increasing the load on the delicate and painful joints. Back in January, Faith was very sore so we began a course of SOLENSIA This has been a tremendous help. It is the first and only antibody therapy in injection form and has to be administered every four weeks. She is so much better and more able to jump and can even run very fast when she sees the cat basket. It costs £90.00 each time but she is very much worth every penny of it! JUNE 23
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MAYSTAR MEWS LETTER ISSUE 1I have bitten the bullet and launched issue one of the MAYSTAR MEWS LETTER for all our kitten owners, followers and Devon Rex lovers. Please feel free to download and share the copies with anyone who might enjoy the articles and updates or you can enter the Scribed document on the left and read it from there.
EROS HAS A FUN DAY OUTMy friends were trying to cheer me up so they booked me a place at MAD ABOUT THE CURL cat show in Coventry. They were right, it did cheer me up and Eros had an incredible day out for his first kitten show where he showed himself off very nicely and behaved impeccably. He won 8th place in a specialty class for curly cats and together with his breeder and other friends we clapped and cheered. FEB 23
LILLIBET HAS A SEIZURELate one Friday night Lillibet had a seizure, frothing at the mouth, stiff body, screaming and wailing and very upset. I rushed to to out of hours vets who suspected, despite her Feline Hyperesthesia, which does cause seizures, that she had a liver shunt. They ran emergency bloods, which didn't show anything? First thing I took her to our Vet who ran a huge panel of bloods which came back clear with no indications of anything untoward, except a tiny raise on her white blood cell count. She is one amazing little cat, so healthy, but also so poorly in her brain. She just continues to amaze everyone. JAN 23
FAITH HAS ARTHRITISJust when you thought it was all going a bit better, Faith pops her head above the parapet and has a relapse in her physiotherapy for her stiff joints of which she has many. She had been on Metacam, which helped for a short while along with magnetic and sonic treatments at home. She is constantly licking herself raw where it hurts so we turned to Vet Laura for a solution called Solensia which has helped her so much. However, being Faith, she has been so stressed at being at the vets it has been decided that she can now have the injections once a month at home and I will administer them. Be good for her to enjoy a pain free summer with Lillibet JAN 23
MEET EROSSay hello to EROS - MINOAN FERVENT EROS thank you to Gerda Thompson for allowing us to have your special boy.
Not really sure if this is really what we all needed after such a horrid few months, but we imagined that Mae and Gazoo would be so happy to have a baby to care for after the loss of the Gazoolings. We were right. The girls are falling over themselves to have a new baby and Gazoo especially has taken to him and has claimed him as hers. Mae is enjoying high intensity play fighting and life resumes as normal. He isn't really needed here currently, but I fell for his baby blues and instant love bond formed - you know when you know! We are hoping his Uncle Elton will enjoy his company soon. DEC 22 |
GAZOO IS QUITE POORLYGazoo has been into the Vet clinic to see Vet Laura so many times regarding her exceptionally sore skin. She was referred to WIllows Clinic for scans and biopsies on the areas under her chin, her ears, toes, vulva and even around her eyes. She has been diagnosed with either Thymoma or Lupus with a slight chance of it also being idiopathic (this is my hunch). It was all brought on by stress of losing her entire litter of kittens in September to an horrific outbreak of Parvo Virus picked up??? who knows where??? The stress and toll on her body has been immense and we are in for a very long journey ahead. NOV 22
ON TO GREENER PASTURESThe King of Kings, Magnus Rex MAYSTAREX THE GREAT KING CANUTE is taking his retirement too at the young age of 2.5yrs old. We have many of his children here at Maystar HQ and Minoan have the lovely Tera also, so his genes and colouring will live on. One exciting thing was he finally gave us a blue kitten after all this time, so of course, Mae had to stay! Magnus will be living with two delightful ladies whom he fell in love with over the summer and asked if he could live with them one day! Well, we suppose the best thing to do for him is to set him free from a life of stud work and allow him to enjoy home comforts OCT 2022
RETIRING GRAND CHAMPIONAfter much deliberation, we decided to neuter Flaire - GR CH MAYSTAREX QUEEN OF SCOTS so that she can have a life of luxury on our laps and be the purry contented little cat she needs to be. She actually had some internal scar tissue from a previous operation which was causing her some discomfort so we thought it best to allow her to retire gracefully. We are having to keep her separated for the time being with her special cone to stop her chewing out her stitches. Of course, she is enjoying all the extra attention! SEP 2022
A HEALTHY LITTER OF 5 CONTRACT PARVOThe most tragic and awful thing has befallen Maystar Devon Rex, we have lost an entire litter of kittens to CANINE PARVO VIRUS. It has been recorded that the transfer can happen between species. Along with our kittens, one of our other Devons became sick in his home where we had visited and it transpires that a dog in close proximity had recently passed away with extreme sickness.
The young Devon Boy, Raphy - MAYSTAREX DUC D'ANJOU is currently in Willows Vets hanging onto life. (PS he made it - update Dec22) but very sadly, our litter of five struggled and fought at the Vets each day with fluids and medications to try and halt this horrific virus, but we lost them one by one over the bank holiday despite being on 24/7 care. Their little bodies had no protection to such a virus and they were not quite old enough to have their own panleukopenia vaccine which goes a little way to protecting them. Gazoo has also been very poorly and in and out on drips but recovered well but is so totally devastated and at a loss as to whats happened. We are truly broken SEP 22 |
SUNNY SIDE UPSol - MAYSTAREX THE SUN KING who was named after Louis the fourteenth has had a very busy month. He was meant to be used as a tempory stud cat before going onto his new family who have his Brother, Cookie. However, Sol didn't fancy himself as a stud cat and only mated once with Gazoo. We have now neutered him and he will be ready to go to his new family after the summer holidays are over. AUG 2022
DIETING FOR HEALTHLillibet - MAYSTAREX ELIZABETHAN POEM has done an amazing job with her weight loss programme which she has shared with her Mother, Faith. We had a bet with the vet, who's kitty was a little tubby too, that we could lose the most amount of weight over a set period of time. Viktori, Faith and Lillibet took part and we have surpassed our expectations with slimmer cats despite all three being on a high calorie diet for urinary issues. Lillibet still has a long way to go to sort the urinary problems out, which, after tons of tests, we have concluded it is stress. Her and Faith now spend quiet time in the office to use their own tray and facilities without interruptions from the rest of the house as well as lots of other products and ideas to get her to wee in the tray. JULY 2022
FILLY GETS A BREAKSweet FillyCat has found her purrfect home with Jacqui and the gang. She needed a quiet, single lady animal lover who would give her the patience and time she required to bring her out of herself. We have reports that after a few weeks she has finally ventured from her safe room and down the stairs on her own. She rides along on her new Mum's shoulders for safety and is looking very nice with a good coat coming finally and some decent weight gain. She has nominated herself as new Office Cat a task she always loved dearly here at Maystar HQ. Over all we are all pleased with her mental growth.
It is still a working progress and we talk often to make sure things are going in the right direction. JUN 22 |
IKON HITS THE BIG TIMEThis amazingly funny and happy boy has found his true calling in life, to run his own household in sunny Yorkshire. He has two humans, two sweet natured dogs and a parrot whom he has claimed as his own. He has full control of the dog beds, food bowls and best window seats in the house and I guess the remote too!
We are so thrilled for the Castagnino family for accepting this 3yr old boy and doting on his every whim. Putting up with his strange quirks and loving him for the hillarious and exceptionally handsome dude that he is. "His own Man." they tell us. He slotted in like he had always been there. MAY 22 |
IKON NEEDS A NEW HOMERed Tonkinese Point 3yr old boy requires a new family to love and dote over him. He is funny, happy, naughty, comical, busy and loving. He deserves to have new warm laps to sit on. Due my husbands health, he doesn't have time to dedicate to our boy and he is getting lonely.
He would benefit from older children and is good with big calm dogs rather than busy little ones. He loves to bite your feet and ruck up rugs and does excellent break dancing moves on the floor. Plays fetch, loves toys and cuddles. Clean boy who prefers fine grey litter. Eats wet & dry food. Benefits from urinary diet. He uses his cat wheel a fair amount which helps with his energy output. A real cuddly, kissy and handsome boy. Fill in the form HERE APR 22 |
PURRDAY SURPRISESWe can't quite believe it has been a full year since Felix, Dukey, Daisy & Gazoo were born to Robyn & Magnus Rex. All over the UK they had their Purrdays celebrated with their families who spoilt them rotten with parties and gifts. The photographs of Felix & Dukey's day were just lovely and so happy and sweet. Daisy had a sedate Purrday with her sisfurr PlumPudding. Gazoo helped me rearrange my orchids and had so much fun digging about in all the woodchips. Later in the evening she had a kitchen party with catnip, toys, tunnels and fishcake. (Felix, Dukey, Daisy & Gazoo) MAR 22
BABY FILLINGS DOING WELLAfter a ridiculously hard start these five little babies defied the odds and have made it to three weeks old. Poor Filly did not feel well after the birth and her milk was a bit hit and miss so I chipped in and fed them. She is finally feeling well enough to lay with them and she does look after them and keeps them impeccably clean. There are 3 boys and 2 girls of all sorts of colours and shades. Providing they keep thriving, they are already matched to waiting families. FEB 22
WELCOME LEXIFERS ROCKET MANHere he is, Elton Rocks from the Lexifers Cattery. We have waited a very long time for a Lexifers baby that made us go 'Ooooh, we want him'. He is a fun, charming, silly, cuddly and a very purring young man. He slotted in very well and once he met everyone and they put him in his place he gained cat manners too learning the Maystar Etiquette. He will be a fab addition to our Pride and spend the summer playing and growing until he feels frisky enough to try his paws at creating the next generation of baby Maystarlings. JAN 2022