Momma's other visit is to a Devon Rex household, something much more familiar to us and no fur to be brought back on clothes and this time and no entire anybodies. They are all playful sweet neutered babies and very pampered. They want for nothing and have an entire room devoted to them with giant scratch posts and play things. It's a form of kitty heaven. I have smelled a boy cat called Eric, he is quite the dude and I think we would make good pals. They sure are a fun lot by all accounts and Momma had a good time taking care of them.
Momma has been very busy 'cat sitting' and playing The Keeper at two very different households. The first house contains a myriad of long haired curly Selkirk pussers with fluffy tails and laid back attitude. Although, they do have their mad 5 minutes and can really kick up the dust as they hoon from room to room chasing some other fluff monster. They are beautiful and quite regal and sometimes chatty and sometimes quiet, Momma says. I can smell the boy cats on her, so she makes sure to change her clothes as it makes me his and spit something rotten. Intruders all over my Momma. But I don't mind the ladies one bit and I could show that Mimi a good time! Momma's other visit is to a Devon Rex household, something much more familiar to us and no fur to be brought back on clothes and this time and no entire anybodies. They are all playful sweet neutered babies and very pampered. They want for nothing and have an entire room devoted to them with giant scratch posts and play things. It's a form of kitty heaven. I have smelled a boy cat called Eric, he is quite the dude and I think we would make good pals. They sure are a fun lot by all accounts and Momma had a good time taking care of them.
There is nothing like a Mother's Love to sooth away your worries and woes. Lillibet dotes on her Mother and Faith just idolises Lillibet. These pictures show a serene bond between them, but, in reality, there is some amount of grumbling coming from Faith as she berates her daughter for disturbing her slumber. Lillibet, ears flat to her head and in total submission will sneak under her Mum and lay so still whilst Faith bites her ears or feet in annoyance. Then licks her daughter all over and peace resumes - they dream.
If I am laying anywhere, Lillibet will plonk herself right on top of me, not caring if I can breath or not. It's in her best interests to move me and grab my warm spot. I very rarely say anything and just move over into the cold patch and carry on dreaming. She is a little madam! Faith is a lady and will always ask if she can come in for a snuggle and often she will lay between my paws and we 'CatSpoon'. It's a lovely way to relax in the arms of a friend and I do love her so much and she loves me so much. We were made for each other and as they say, opposites attract! But you know, that Lillibet really does have to get in on the act and we never have a moment to ourselves. She is rude and bargy, but I guess all she really wants is love, the warm spot and a good snooze... oh, but on her terms of course! Nope, I think I am in agreement with most of you. It's nice to have the love and affection during your sleeping hours. But, to my mind, the best undisrupted sleeps are on your own! KS =^..^= It all started when Faith let herself out of her eating hut, leaving just enough room for me to squeeze my head and shoulders through the zipper to the Noms! I, of course, ate the crumbs of kibble. Oh dear, what a week I am having.
It wasn't so much the pink tray as the dose of steroids to try and control my skin flare up and my bloated stomach. An allergy ensued to the noms and then I got rhinitis from the allergy as well as skin sores and Momma had to up the dose a tiny bit each day until there was an improvement. That's when my nose was running. At first it could have been my hayfever as some of the blossoms are out, or the food, or the change in weather or the uppage of the steroids? Probably the latter. I was whisked off to the vets for a double check in case it was more serious, like a polyp. It is essentially my immune system playing tricks with me. It's a constant battle with it to keep me on the straight and narrow. In truth, I hadn't been feeling 'that' good for a few weeks, sort of thinning out and not retaining my food properly and I hadn't stolen anything either, so it was a worry as I was not 'making shapes' in the kitty litter! I was perhaps a little run down and stressed as the Parentals have not been home much due to work load and it takes its toll on me, not to have them around all of the time. I am complex, it is tricky and even though I was on my strict diet, things were out of kilter. So my lumpy sniffer and dicky ticker and sore skin have taken a beating - but I am now on antibiotics in case I get any secondary bacterial infection. I can usually fight it off, but Momma is taking no chances where my health is involved. Whilst at the Vets I schmooze with the ladies, one of which is a KS follower and the other a Rex owner, so I am well in there! I saw Lill, the lady vet, and she tried to do the FURMOMETER thingie, but I decided that was WAY too embarrassing. That was Lill's and my 'first date' and there was NO WAY that thing was going in my pooper! So, instead, she stabbed me with a needle which made me even more mad and I screamed and screamed and turned and even deeper red. Poor Lill, I am usually so swoony, but I guess, I just didn't fancy the prodding and poking! On top of that she said I had quite a tummy on me... Simon the Vet, do you hear that? I am now not too slim - but too fat. I put it down to a week of soreness. I will be svelt and slimline again. Already with the antibiotic, everything has calmed down a bit and I had a full belly of BrekkiNoms in there! To the casual observer, I look well and happy, busy and entertaining - but Momma knows me inside and out and if not caught at the right time... I can stop eating - That my friends would be a disaster! I am, of course, milking it for all it's worth and even laid on ManSlave yesterday whilst he mopped my sweaty brow and kissed my sore sniffer. See, I can be nice to him and share the love... when I need it! KS =^..^= I have a small harem of doting women. Some of the CatWomen some humanoid. Today, we had a very special visitor and MY GREATEST FAN, my original Breed Momma, Sarah. She came all the way from Wales to visit me and meet Faith & Lillibet. Of course, I was my usual charming self and played and had fun, showing off a little and I even gave her a Slinky Smooch. Something I only really reserve for very special people. I think my Breed Momma is proud of me, she is always asking about what I get up to and her and Momma speak a couple of times a week and I Yawp down the phone to say my hellos. I also get to talk to my actual Mother, Karli, she purrs down the phone and I purr down the phone. Karli is quite poorly at the moment, so every conversation we have is paramount. I am very special and I am so loved by so many people and cats. I share everything that goes on in my life to help others feel good about themselves. Not everyone is able to cope with their lot in life and I for one have a few problems of my own. It was lovely to see my original family again and be held in her arms and be kissed and loved. I am truly blessed to have such kind folks who think of me often and know just how special I really am. I am one in a million, I am "Lexifers Here Comes Trouble" and that makes me VERY VERY PROUD! KS =^..^=
The Orb is out and it is feeling spring like. It is now a race between Faith and Lillibet to see who can clear the cobwebs from the CatPod first? Last Spring, Lillibet wasn't really strong enough to climb the CatPod walls and ha to make do with sitting on the shelves to reach the silky sticky webs. But this year, she is stronger, more agile and far quicker than her Mother!
I don't really see the point in all the running around. I prefer to soak up the Orb in one place and chasing eight leggeds and six leggeds is not on my agenda. I don't get what all the fuss is about really. It's not like they even taste good! In one leap they are up the wire, terrorising those poor critters and wrecking their homes everyday, just so they make more webs for them to eat. It's shameful and cruel. They have spent all night making those webs, just for a pair of marauding lickers to desecrate everything in seconds. They never harm the eight leggeds though, but only because they are farming them! So what happens to all the silk once it enters a cats mouth? Well, like candyfloss, it melts with the warmth of the licker and it is sweet by all accounts. I try not to think that has firstly come out of an eight leggeds posterior! It then races down the gullet and into the tummy where it begins to expand and create a wrapping action. It creates little neatly created packets of chocolate gold ready for dispense into the cat trays for Momma to dig out in wonder. Eightleggeds have seven different types of silks for different jobs - lets hope the CatWomen don't catch onto this or we could be in for some wonderful surprises. KS =^..^= The teasing that goes on in this house is unbearable! It's gets all three of us wound up and it all starts with the opening of the freezer and the rattle of the fish finger box. None of us can help ourselves and we are alert, even if we have been in a deep slumber. We start to salivate and our lickers and sniffers are going ten to the dozen. The problem is, these fish fingers take twenty minutes to cook and that's what drives us to distraction.
Once they are ready, it is our job to make sure they are not too hot for the Parentals by tapping them with our paws. You see if they are too hot, we have to wait even longer for a piece. ManSlave always cooks six fish fingers for him and five for Momma. Momma's are special wheat free ones! So essentially, if there are six little orange sticks under the grill, that means there is ONE FOR US! We Yawp more then and dance a merry jig. Then, there is the undressing of the fishy. It has to be de-crumbed and split into three (although, I have noticed that my share is smaller?) It's put into little dishes to cool. Now we are at the crescendo of our performance and we can barely hear ourselves think whilst they cool. Then comes the moment we have been waiting for - the eating! Well, I am not sure if I had any, I sniffed in and it vanished. I harass the CatWomen for a taste of theirs. Faith eats SO SLOWLY it's painful and even more so because I know she has more than me. Lillibet is delicate whilst eating, but if I approach her she thwaks me on my head. Momma keeps a beady eye on me and I am good and make silly little noises to show that I would love some more. Occasionally, Momma gives in and I get a little bit of hers too. After we have eaten, we all go our separate ways to wash and clean our faces of fish food! We have what we want - we don't look back and silence is restored once again. KS =^..^= There is always something worth waiting for and that is Sunday Lunch. The Parentals decided that a tasty piece of happy cow was on the menu and in choosing this little piece of heaven, they decided that we should all be able to have a treat too. The CatWomen got fresh uncooked beef and I got the bone to lick. Really, I did. Well, I had already been up to no good with my licker the week before and I may as well have something a little extra to make me feel happy. It is unheard of of course and usually I Yawp and Yawp to no avail, but this week, I knew that bone was mine. I sat and watched Momma clean it off and polish it a little and then give it to me for a good licking. Lillibet was scared of it as it click clacked on the floor, but I know better than to chase it around the laminate and took my prize to the central rug for a good chew. Well, I say chew. I couldn't get my chops around it properly and Momma kept saying 'lick Slinky'. I did as I was told and just licked and licked. Lillibet got a little brave and snuck up behind me. I was a good boy and didn't Thwak her. She backed off anyway because it's a boys thing to have bones. Bones are not for girls. I am the hero of the day. I am the champion. I feel good, I am a happy boy. I am the King! KS =^..^= |
November 2023