I don't really see the point in all the running around. I prefer to soak up the Orb in one place and chasing eight leggeds and six leggeds is not on my agenda. I don't get what all the fuss is about really. It's not like they even taste good!
In one leap they are up the wire, terrorising those poor critters and wrecking their homes everyday, just so they make more webs for them to eat. It's shameful and cruel. They have spent all night making those webs, just for a pair of marauding lickers to desecrate everything in seconds. They never harm the eight leggeds though, but only because they are farming them!
So what happens to all the silk once it enters a cats mouth? Well, like candyfloss, it melts with the warmth of the licker and it is sweet by all accounts. I try not to think that has firstly come out of an eight leggeds posterior! It then races down the gullet and into the tummy where it begins to expand and create a wrapping action. It creates little neatly created packets of chocolate gold ready for dispense into the cat trays for Momma to dig out in wonder.
Eightleggeds have seven different types of silks for different jobs - lets hope the CatWomen don't catch onto this or we could be in for some wonderful surprises.
KS =^..^=