Grand MewMew came up for a visit and stayed the night, I tried to get into her room, but fell for the 'snax' given late at night in the kitchen and forgot all about sleeping in with her! She was great company and even let Lillibet sit on the edge of the table whilst she ate her dinner. That's more than she let me, my reputation precedes me on this subject!
There were people looking at the Charity Litter and three of the kittens are now re-homed. They will leave us in a week or so. On Friday, they were all neutered and microchipped. Finally, no more kittens from this little lot in the future to get into trouble. They were so busy when Momma collected them and they were under strict instructions not to race about- fat chance of that. They were crazy on their return home and even confining them to a small pen made them worse and they were literally climbing the bars to escape!
Momma has been on the Radio as well trying to get the litter re-homed. There are 2 or 3 to go. Fly, Paw & Trout!! Who could not love them? Keep your ears to the ground in case one of your friends is in the market for a new pusser or two.
Momma is meant to be at a SPSCC meeting this morning and she has had to turn back due to torrential rain. Her Yellow Peril Chrysler was not at all happy paddling through the surface water. ManSlaves car windscreen has a crack in it the whole length this morning too, so there was no swimming to Ayelesbury in that either. Well, of course, we don't mind, we get her all to ourselves now and the thought of wrapping in a warm blankie with the heating on is much more appealing than watching the rain paste the windows.... Wonder if the Charity Litter may need arm bands? Well, they have a litter tray, they could float about in that!
Well, I think a little nap is in order, it's been very hectic indeed and I can smell last nights Ribs on the re-heat, so a quick shut eye and then a YAWP fest to get me some piggie ribs.
KS =^..^=