I sat for a whole two hours in front of the oven, it still doesn't have a light in it, so I have to sit with my face pressed up to the glass which is nice and warm and makes you drowsy. Lillibet was no help, he kept peering in and thwakking me on the head to make me move, but this is my Sunday occupation and not hers so I muscled my way back in.
When it was finally served, Lillibet took pride of place on Momma's plate, she knows better than to sit on ManSlaves plate. She was waiting for her share. Plates re-washed and Lillibet placed back on the floor, we try again for our morsels. They did arrive and in super time. I had mine in my dishy and the CatWomen got to eat on the kitchen table, only because I am such a ganet I snaffle anything going. That kitchen table has become a cat table I think. The Parentals never use it unless visitors come and then it gets such a scrubbing!
Once I had sniffed my food in my tummy it was time to just sit and contemplate how to steal some from their plates, but with all three of us sniffing about, the lounge door was shut and we has no option but to go and lick the plug hole in the sink to get the last remnants of juices. I am not sure it's good for your health to lick out the sink, I often think of all the germs, then I think of the favour I am doing the Parentals by making it clean!
KS =^..^=