Momma created a two pillow bed for us to share, it has a soft plush blankie on it, this is where Lillibet sleeps for the rest of the night, on her own I may add! She only stretches out to touch Momma's face and let's out a silent miow when she wakes. I then snuggle as close as I can get, to the point of inhalation of her carbon dioxide.
Faith is more subtle, she is an armpit warmer and snuggles right in and purrs so gently that it feels like she is shivering. Not like my bone healing rumbling purr! She also touches Momma's face intermittently to make sure she is still there. Faith also likes having her paw held during the night which is tricky when she is shoved into Momma's armpit.
Lillibet thinks she has the best place to sleep and it does look comfy, but Faith and I have slept together for a few year now and having Momma in between us is more than perfect for us. Lillibet likes time alone and a few Thwaks and stares from her assures her a good night alone!
KS =^..^=