Mae is 18months old and has never been to a show before, because of this, she didn't actually qualify to by judged, so Momma thought it would be nice to take her on exhibition instead, especially as the theme this year was THE CROWN JEWELS and with all of us named after Kings & Queens it was a temptation too far. Of course, Momma took it very seriously and made the entire Jewel Tower, miniature, Jewels, the Coronation Chair & Robes as well as the Bible. It was ALL from recycled cat food packets for the bunting, food trays to make the tiny crown, a langfords feline test swab was sculptured into a Scepter as well as cat food boxes and delivery boxes used to make the big crows, the towers, floors etc. Momma even dressed up too as a Yeoman of the Guard who protect the Crown Jewels. Despite all this hard effort, Maystar didn't get a look in at the best decorated pen as there were so many other interesting pens that caught the judges attention.
Mae was exceptionally well behaved, despite screaming so loudly all the way there in her new pink Sturdi carrier that Miss Boucles gave Momma for helping with a poorly kitten a few months back. She was happy to meet little people with chatting and purring allowing them to stroke her magnificent coat. She did a full 2hr stint of chatting and purring then had an hour off and then she was happy to resume being petted and fussed. Lots of folks tried on the Crowns and took so many photos and videos of Mae in her special throne room.
Momma and Mae are pretty exhausted now and as we type this, Mae is ensconced by the radiator in a deep sleep and I am trying not to be a naughty girl and poke her awake. I was so excited when Momma woke up this morning and danced up and down the windowsill squeaking away and doing 'reary horse' maneuvers and generally being really cute. I am trying to persuade her after this to take me up to bed for a snuggle.
Just a short update on me, I had a very annoying bladder infection with struvite crystals. The vets tried and tried to take urine samples and it cost Momma so much money and they couldn't get one. Momma took matters into her own paws and solved the problem on her own. I still have my food allergies to contend with and am now on a fully wet diet of rabbit only tins which are exceptionally expensive and hard to source. I am finally feeling much happier and with less soreness to my skin. Momma looks after me so very well and even though I hate taking my antihistamine daily, I still do it with a sweet manner.
A BIG THANK YOU to everyone who turned up at the Supreme Cat Show to meet and greet Mae. I hope you all enjoyed your visit with Maystar Devon Rex.
Love from Queen Vee. =^..^=