From the laziest of Queens - Your Queen Vee =^..^=
It occurs to me that I have not been on the Cat Wheel for some time now and even if I did fancy it, it always seems to be occupied by a number of other pussers keeping fit, trim and stress free. They all wait in line to use the new treadmill outside the backdoor. It's a running frenzie and each with their tiny FitBits counting steps for their ten millionth step per day. Who can run the most and who can look the best whilst doing it? Not me - the wheel is for sitting on and perhaps watching birdies from or catching a good squirrel fight. Horrible Horrace has had so many babies that they too will soon need wheels to keep them entertaining them, entertaining us! I have to start with Filly because she is new to the treadmill torture. She started slow and steady with the odd walk, then, once she got the hang of it she really began to move as one with the wheel and running has become her new passion of which she meows happily as she trots to her own pace in life. Fast and furious! She sings the 'song of her people' as she hacks along at a fine pace. Filly is closer to Pearl and I than anyone else in the house and follows the same rhythm with a good long stretchy run. SaBreena is always a great runner and can do just the fastest paces in the house. I thought, in my hay day, that I was the very best but alas, she has beaten my record in that arena with complete ease. She is built for speed, shaped more like a cheetah than a Devon Rex, outstripping the leggiest of Rex. Although, I feel that Filly will give her a run for her money in the legs eleven stakes very soon! SaBreena is a true runner, she is precise and determined to break a world record and pitted against her family of Mother Pearl and Grandma Flaire, their stance is almost identical with only speed to separate them all. Pearl is a strider and a trotter, stretching out her long body and making the most of a walk in the park. She has her earbuds in, listening to some good Country and Western and doing a satisfying stroll to it's sultry love songs with the odd out of tune blurt out of 'Pearl's a Singer'. She is the main user of the wheel and can, if pressed run exceptionally fast to the point where if she grips on she can nearly go all the way about before she is catapulted off into space like some furball. She is a vocal CatWoman with a jagged purpose of fighting anyone who dares to use the treadmill before her. Flaire is the slowest of the treadmill trainers and will walk at the most leisurely pace of a slow deliberate walk and thus has time to growl at any passerby that should come within sniffing distance. She will only walk, painfully slow, to annoy all of us so that her steps last the longest and she can control her sisters, children and grand children in equal amounts. Her march is one of determined snailism and no one can speed that girl up unless your want a clip around your listening devices! She is head of the house, queen of all she surveys and should anyone challenge her - she just pees and occasionally poos on the wheel to mark it as her own. This week has gone with a bang. The Roblings are nearly eleven weeks old and with their first vaccinations are doing just great. SaBreena's little joys are all happy in their new homes and there have been lots of photos with doting parents just loving their new babies. We all just wish the weather was brighter so the Roblings could at least experience the outdoors before they leave home in a months time. Maybe there might be a little sunshine to come our way soon? Until then, the Horrace family are donned in rainwear, their tiny wellies splashing about in puddles collecting Momma's very expensive tulip bulbs from the pots. Biting off the flowers and doing a runner with the tasty bit. I am shocked at their tenacity. Forget rain and hail and eating with the minions, just go straight for the al a carte menu. I can think of more things than that on my menu - oh Horrace.....come hither and jump into Momma's freeze dry machine will you. I fancy a squirrel snack!
From the laziest of Queens - Your Queen Vee =^..^=
November 2023