What a few weeks it has been. I can honestly say it's exhausting living here and I seem to get the blame for everything so much so that I have been shipped off to Al-CAT-raz in the process. Pfft. I am an indoor cat, that was until I sprayed all over Momma's front and she lost the plot!
Pearl and I are out together as we are on the same diet and she has a stressed bladder too.
Flaire is in the kitten room with her two little men and occasionally Gazoo when supervised. SaBreena is in the main bedroom waiting to pop with kittens and has chosen in there whilst the Flairelings grow enough to manage the landing. Lillibet, when not in the garden, is happy to come and go from the office with Momma leaving just Faith, Gazoo and Filly in the main house. This has cut down on the continuous urinating on the landing outside the doors, on the cat wheel, in the bath, on the bathroom floor on the mat next to the litter tray on towels and especially and uniquely on the towel that lays under the washing machine to catch drips - our drips!
The final straw came when there was a transient smell of wee drifting about that Momma could neither track down, nor find with her CSI black light making the house look from the outside like a 1980s disco. Nope the smell was there, but no wee?! It was driving her insane! Then one afternoon, ManSlave sat down and Gazoo smelled his socks and then he smelled his socks and then Momma smelled his socks and began to laugh like a crazy woman as she went out to the hallway and smelled his stinky left shoe, there it was - One of my special tinkles on his birthday in his shoe because I love him SO much and didn't have any other way of showing him. THAT was the day Pearl and I were shipped out to the 'rock'. Like most inmates, it was a crime of passion!
Not that I have been inside the house for two days due to the fact I peed in the kitchen after a nights reprieve. Momma watched me on the camera, sneaky peeping tom she is, spying on me relieving myself on her socks on the kitchen table, pfft, but I do have to say, the house was much sweeter smelling without the widdles and the house cats were all chillaxed too. I do have to say that I have a urinary infection which is being treated by the vet and so does Lillibet so some of this peeing is not our faults! Momma paid out millions of cat kibbles to have it all tested and that dreaded E-coli is still causing us major amounts of issues. We are not even sure how or why it's happening as the entire house is solid as the proverbial rock in the gut department with chocolate gold being like bars of bullion. I guess it might eventually 'do one' and leave us alone especially as there is absolutely no more raw treats or meals every again to be served in this house. Gone has the strip of steak or lamb. The meaty love affair is over. This is case no 9 that has struck and the only place this drug resistant bug has come from is the raw bunny.
I am so heartbroken I am unable to see the Sunday lunch cooking, especially as the light is now working, but Momma says that ManSlave is still upset with me and I have to wait it out and take my medicine and be a clean kitty before I can watch anymore Oven TV channel. It totally sucks. I guess we are having a good time in the garden chasing squirrels and such like, so that part isn't too bad as those pesky young Horraces are really bolshy and brave now. Faith and I pincer moved one for Lillibet to catch but she was slow on the uptake and let him slip away. Pearl was too busy climbing the Catio door to get back in for fear of being eaten alive by a baby Horrace. Of course, as most things, there was a downside to being allowed out, flea and mite drops as those Horraces could be carrying all sorts. On went the drops and out fell my fur.... Seriously, I am as bald as a coot as it Faith. That is some powerful stuff and to think we shared it between 5 of us. Luckily Pearl, Magnus and Ikon are OK and kept their coats on. Faith and I ,look like a pair of unloved street cats.
Not feeling very Queenly this week - Your Queen Pee, I mean Vee. =^..^=