It all started when Mr.Zeus and I were confined to the kitchen for a few days, we were chatting about TomFun and how he is being held up in the coldest room in the house, the Bathroom!
The little room is above the garage you see and it often drops to 20degrees, so in a way it is preparing him for 'shedlife' we said. We were discussing the ins and outs of his torture and I said to Mr.Zeus "What do you call a cat that lives in an igloo?" Ummm, I dunno says Mr.Zeus with a furrowed brow "An eskimew" I retort. Well, we fell about laughing in that sort of non breathing sort of way, you know the one!
Mr.Zeus, not to be outdone came out with, "I bet they are feeding him Mice Crispies for hims breakfast". That was it, paws over our mouths, sniggering like buffoons. "If it was a hot bathroom" I said "He may want a Mice Cream Cone". That was it, Mr.Zeus was holding his rotund tummy and letting out raucous laughter, barely able to breath! It was hillarious and we just went on and on until our sides split and we couldn't control our muscles in our stomaches any more and we lay like a pair of washed out rags, heaving every so often to get a breath. I know it perhaps doesn't seem funny now, I guess you really had to be there!
KS =^..^=