It occurs to me that that ManSlave is not just building the bachelor pad for his best friend, but also for himself! You see, I believe a ManSlave requires a shed like a Momma needs a handbag! The two things go together. A secret place for storing all sorts of useless pieces of junk!
So to TomFun and ManSlave, the shed will be their 'cave': a refuge where their time together will stand still, a sanctuary where they can commune together, beyond the tyranny of Momma's yawping, before reemerging into the fray of the real world. Although, TomFun sure does bring your senses into the real world with his pheromones.
TomFun is entertaining a lady friend currently, she is helping him adapt to being a 'stud boy'. She has battered him, swatted him, yawped at him, thwakked him copiously and eaten all his noms - I reckon he had better get his talking head on and not his bonking head, because she just thinks he is some sort of jumped up squirt that she has been very annoyingly housed with. Well I say housed, they are residing in our main bathroom, gone are the Parentals relaxing autumn baths after a day of shed building and gone are the lazy evenings of candles, jacuzzi bubbles and scented water, the only scented water that is being run, is the pungent stench of TCP. That's Tom Cats Piddle to you and me!
The talk of 'not long' and 'really soon, weather permitting' has now turned to 'He's gotta go, it smells like a cats urinal'. Both him and his live in lover have peed so much that they have worked their way through a box of the most expensive cat litter in some sort of competition to who stinks the most. At least they are doing in said litter and not in their bedding. Occasionally, TomFun is getting carried away and uses the food dish instead of the litter tray. I could YAWP at the waste of good food, if he continues this habit, I shall be out of noms before the Winter sets in and that makes me nervous! YAWP!
KS =^..^=