With the sun so bright red, it comes with the shepherds warning of the day to come and by the time that great Orb reaches it's summit at midday, then the trill of CatWomen ensues and the leader of the gang this week is none other than Filly. She is a mere five months old and presenting her booty to Magnus and Ikon in the fashion of the best Salsa dancers out there. She starts with her basic 'tredding' step, then works her way right up to a backwards cha cha cha, parking her giggling buttocks to the wire of the CatPod in the hope that one of those boys will take her paw and not let her solo too long. They both trip over themselves and at one point, Magnus got so frenzied he even tried dried humping his Dad and that didn't go down well, it was received with a great punch on the nose after he wriggled free.
Due to the amount of dancing taking place, the Sky Bridge is out of bounds now, you could say, Momma has put them all on a 'Cuban break'! The boys haven't been inside the kitchen for a full week due to Ikon using the cupboard doors as his own personal litter tray. However, due to the warmer weather, they have both had so much time outside to tire them out until Magnus ruined that by jumping on the roof of the House of Fun, trotting along it and then sitting just out of reach. That's OK, there are more than one ways to 'skin a cat' and a few games of dragging sticks about the place with bits of string on resulted in a curious Magnus jumping down. "Catch more Magnuses with honey." Momma tells Ikon. He hates being ignored and it doesn't take him long to stop sulking and join in.
The Breelings, too, have benefited from more Orb light and are awake earlier and longer, using the daylight hours to race about and learn new things. They are all getting bigger and finding their paws with a daypen which is triple the size of the one they were born in. It has lots of toys and scratch posts with places to hide, jump and climb giving them healthy muscles and great strength. They have enough room currently to be near a litter tray but long enough to scuttle at high speed and chase each other. SaBreena has been an excellent Mother keeping them spotlessly clean, much to their dismay. Who wants to be held down and washed when you could be hooning up and down? They scream, protest and stamp their tiny paws. They will thank her when they are old enough to really look after themselves. Nothing worse than grubby white socks on a school day. I had me a little visit yesterday to see what all the fuss was about and OK, I relent, they are kinda cute and as a Great Aunt, I have to commend SaBreena, they are a credit to her!
In the late afternoons now, as the Orb light moves from window to window, there are cats seemingly creeping from the woodwork to lay in pools of liquid molten. We follow the patch on the stairs and argue if we should touch. A growl here, a moan there. Companionship of a sort just so we can share a 2ft space of warmth. The light trails around to the west 'wing' and is just filling the front bedroom with enough light to lay four of us in a row along the pillows. It is a tight squeeze and you have to give up your Orb spot on the landing early to get first dibs at the fading light, but it's worth it. Queen of the castle and all that! So as the light fades, we can only hope that she graces with her gift of renewed life tomorrow and head to the back of the house to watch the Full Moon rise in the East. Up she goes, cold and bright and rejuvenating as I doze the evening away in her whiteness, recharging my internal batteries.
Our days are unchanging currently and we were looking forward to the weekend and playtime, but the Parentals worked away from home on some property close by. It can't have been far, they didn't take the car. Or maybe that's because it came back home on the back of a tow truck and that's typical as ManSlaves car is already at the menders. I have especially missed Momma and each afternoon bagsied a cuddle before anyone else, deeply purring as she sings to me and rubs my head, planting the odd warm kiss between my ears, I purr louder and press my head into her face with a hard bang, I know she loves it because it makes her cry. Faith said it wasn't crying it was eye smarting as humans have delicate proboscis. Who cares, she loves me and that's all that matters!
The Orb is here again, bright and early. Filly is trilling and setting of the backing singers, Flaire and Pearl off. They have talked into the early hours about starting up as a trio, Destiny's Child, eat your heart out! For me, I shall go solo and accompany ManSlave in his single quest of the purrfect Roast. It will start cooking really soon and have us all salivating by lunch time. Those acapella singers might even hush their mouths if they are filling them? Who knows? We can but try!
Your loyal Queen Vee =^..^=