Momma had been searching for hours, inside and out to no avail and then ManSlave got worried when she wasn't home by 10pm and started looking too. He got his ladders out and put them into the thicket so she could climb back over the fence and a towel out so she could grab onto the fence at the top and it had our smell on. She must have been sat quietly looking at them both searching. Faith joined in by screeching at the top of her lungs. This went on until 2am where everyone gave up, left the cat house open and went for a rest.
At 4am, the house was awake and off everyone went, Faith in a carrier yelling her head off, into the brambles and black thorn as far as they could get with torches and low voices calling her name in the squeaky voice they use for her. Lillibet is a very vocal cat, so they were hopeful to hear something. But nothing! It was all getting very worrying. Then, Faith let out a squeak of delight as they returned home. There Lillibet was, pleased as punch in the cat house. Everyone was totally relieved. That was until Momma saw there was a new widdle on the wheel! She not only had vanished for over 10hrs, she came home just to pee on that wheel.
Well, I suppose, at least the culprit has been sourced. Momma said it was one of those neuteres and now we know which one. So each day now, Lillibet and I play - who can pee the most on the wheel. Momma is very upset as the separate time out was meant to make sure that there was less friction between everyone - but instead - Lillibet took a giant time out that just isn't acceptable.
All Momma's friends tell her that lady cat''s who are up the duff don't piddle. Well, in that case, I am no lady. I am with MiniCats and still piddling. Yesterday I piddled on the mini fishtank in the kitchen and Momma put her hand in it. She had just cleaned it so couldn't figure out why there was water on the top of it? I peed on the wheel again and this time Momma said "who did this" and I ran so fast over the sky bridge I nearly fell off the end with the extra weight I am carrying. All of a sudden I feel guilty. I am never guilty. i am usually very proud of my handy work. So now, Lillibet and I have been made seperate and we have to wear piddle pants. It's not great - being preggers I don't like things around my waist and I peed in the pants and now my butt is wet. None of this is fun for anyone.
The MiniCats go to their new diggs next weekend. They will be off and globe trotting to far flung places. Ok, so Portsmouth isn't that far flung! That will mean I can then move into the kitten room and enjoy peace and quiet all on my own with Momma at night. That will be better and then I can maybe feel safer knowing I can be top cat of my own room? Well, that is the theory!
From your devoted Queen Pee Vee =^..^=