So with that in mind, I am going to repeat a story about last weekend. Well, I have still been piddling on the cat wheel as so has one other of the four adults in the house (not including ManSlave or Momma). So with great annoyance, Momma stripped the wheel down to it's bare wood, which took hours because those fab guys from The Cats' Claws had made it so well, the rubber wouldn't come off! She scraped and cut and rubbed and sanded and zoozed with her fancy machine until it was all back to a nice surface. Then she PVA'd it to make it more waterproof and the nice lads from TCC came and replaced the rubber for us. A non porous type that stops cat pee from soaking into it so much and allows for Momma to clean it easier.
It's fab, I tried it out and yes, the wee just sits neatly on the top. Great! Then I watched with high amusement as Flaire took her turn on the wheel and rolled about laughing as it showered her in yellow smelly rain water. She was not best pleased, jumping off and shaking off the wet onto the newly scrubbed floor and walls. That was all I needed for it to be dispersed and the wee ran around in a neat trickle until it dried enough for me to take my gallop. Then, someone else took a wizz on the wheel and I don't mean the running kind. Another yellow river wizz and again, poor Flaire was subjected to a further shower and then a quick bath as Momma had enough of the smell already and Flaire had now been in every bed trying to get rid of it so Momma had also had a ton of extra washing to do too! See, the old rubber was much better, only our paws smelled before!
Well, Momma decided to find out who the second piddler was. I was prime suspect in both cases, however, i was away for a month and it was still happening and then Flaire went with momma on a showing trip away and it happened then it had to be a neuter!!! But which one. This called for process of elimination. Easy right?
Day one. Monday just gone. Momma pops Flaire into the House of Fun for 2hrs on her own with just radio two and a bowl of water for company. Nothing. She just strolled on it, never even breaking into a sweat! I join Flaire for a further hour and still nothing. (I had just used the tray). I was also desperate for a bit of a gallop and peeing was last thing on my mind, I like to run until I am panting.
Day two, Tuesday just gone. Momma puts Faith in HoF for two hours with a bowl of water and Smooth radio and still nothing. Not a piddle in sight. Flaire joins Faith for a few hours to watch birdies together. Flaire also changes the radio station back to Radio 2. She prefers Steve Wright in the afternoon.
Day Three, Wednesday just gone. Momma puts Lillibet in HoF for 2hrs with just a bowl of water and Classic FM. Nothing is delivered on the wheel. She uses it and runs regularly in short bursts. Momma allows Faith to join her because Faith has screamed for two solid hours wanting to be in the HOF with her Daughter and still nothing.
Day Four, Thursday just gone and it is a free for all. We can all use the wheel as normal and hey presto. No weeing! It is a miracle. We are all cured. Momma thinks it might be something to do with the radio station? Alas, we prove her wrong.
Day five, Friday just gone. Wee galore. Two infact, from two different cats. One I claim as mine. I did it right away and watched Flaire stupidly take her walk as I sang a rendition of Purple rain changing the words to suit. "Yelooooow rain, yelloooow rain I wail" as she throws me a look. Well. If she was sensible, she might let it dry first!!! So as to who else is joining me is pee fest is a mystery to everyone, except the pee'ee.
To top all this off, Momma has a camera set up as some of us are secret runners. I like praise so will run if frustrated or just want attention. Flaire is a quite walker, she strolls along, only breaking into a jog and sprint every so often. Imitating a wilder cat stalking prey and then dashing for the catch. Lillibet makes the HoF shake to it's roots with her heavy lumbering gait and I can run the fastest and love to show off. Faith will take a trot every so often, but I can tell from her lower gut, she hasn't been running so much of late and it makes me wonder if she is our secret piddler? She will be found! Oh and before you make assumptions as to why Pearl hasn't been mentioned, she never goes over the Sky Bridge into the HoF, so right now, it's not her either!