I forget that I am now a thundering 4.2K and throwing the extra 400gms about the place is making a difference. I am strong and feisty.
Yesterday, I raced from the CatPod at break neck speed from the lounge, which gave me more impulsion and as ManSlave opened the door, I was out like a flash, into the garden where I saw Ipek sunbathing on the chair. She called to me, so I ran over and Thwakked her, surprised, she rolled over and screamed. I hate screaming, it's so whoosie, so I made her run and beat her up until she vanished over the fence. We were deep in the bushes, so it was hard for the Parentals to catch me. But I came out, all happy, got a smack on the but and put back into the CatPod. That's when it really kicked off. Faith went for me tooth and nail and I was up the cat post like a pole dancer. She followed and bit my ear, I yelled and tried to get her back, but stupidly, I ran and was found cowering on the windowsill behind the curtains with pooh dribbling down my leg. Oh the shame of it!
Well, today, I was not having any of her filthy looks and she was being so sweet and cute and kissing me and washing me - SHE thinks she is top cat now, well I showed her a thing or two. I Thwakked and Thwakked her and made her run all over the kitchen and pushed her off the high fridge and laughed whilst she toppled down into the dragon plant. Then I raced down and met her at the bottom and Thwakked her again - she was screaming at me to stop. Momma shut the kitchen door to the CatPod to try and catch us, but we were out of the catflap and I had her in the chair, smacking her face over and over until she lay there in a heap. I was airlifted to the Parentals room for time out. I sat in the window for an hour with a face like thunder.
During all of this, little lillibet had hidden on the top of the kitchen cupboards and then under the sofa. It has taken her two days to come out and only then for noms and kisses with Momma. I know what you are thinking, I am a bully. This is what I did to Mr. Zeus and Mr. Zeus crumbled and now I am back on my health regime, it seems I am at it again. Some of it of course is jealousy, some is the need for extra love and some is because I CAN!
KS =^..^=