She is a gentle soul, but ever since she was crazy sick this time last year with a Pyometra and then blood poisoning as well as her increasing 'specialness' due to her brains cooking, she would never have learned about the 'I am a poor defenceless kitten meow'. It all started when Momma would have to drip feed her to keep her alive and when she needed a wee-wee she would do this 'special sick meow' - it sort of goes, eeeek eeeek meeeeep oww. Oh how it makes your heart melt. She uses this sweet little voice to get a snack out of ManSlave. No one but Lillibet can do it, it is totally unique and heart warming. Well heart warming until she gets me into trouble and tells on me...
I have been feeling frisky of late, I am still on the Atopica medication and look pretty darn handsome if I do say so myself. I was enjoying a racing session and I do enjoy a quick spurt about the place every few days or so. Today is no exception. When I run, I am like a Bull in a china shop, well I am a Taurus, what can I say? My legs go out at each corner and my tail goes up and I YAWP for Bastet to shower me with good feelings and well, this was the point Lillibet 'got in my way'. She just didn't move quick enough and I sort of bowled her over and she fell down the stairs like a skittle, tumbling and falling and making the eeeek eeeek meeeeeep oww sound but VERY LOUDLY!
Faith, who had been asleep, is very protective over her baby. She was there in a flash. Lillibet had escaped to the office, her retreat in a fit of fur. She was twice her size and terrified. I on the other paw was equally as terrified of her Mother who was stalking the upper floor looking for the intruder. I dare not move a whisker for fear of the beating. She saw me, I tried to slink away unnoticed into the shadows, but she was upon me and drove me all over the house until I surrendered on the windowsill and cowered whilst she pummelled me with her paws. She can pack a punch and a little over her weight it really hits home. I was battered and scratched with my pride dented. Ever since then, she has watched me like a hawk. If I even make out that I am going to run about, she warns me with a raised paw and a fixed stare... Me thinks the NeuterUM chip is wearing of maybe?
Now, how to silence that tell tail tit? Oh Lillibet... come here sweet baby...
KS =^..^=