Momma managed to pick up from Crystal Clear, Jaz & Jamie's Christmas gifts and two little 'somethings' for their Slave 'Eva'. Momma also picked up some calming spray for when Baby Gracie arrives so that we can all chill out. She sprayed a little in our cat tunnel when she got home. It sent me wild and I ran around the house YAWPING and then Thwakked Faith over the head on the way down the stairs. It seems she still hasn't forgiven me and is keeping a close eye on everything I do. This does not bode well for a relaxing meeting with Baby Grace. I shall inevitably show her all the things she can do, eat her Noms then get into trouble by hissing at her when she sniffs my tail. If she can refrain from sniffing my tail, I will be a good boy! Momma also looked at Baskets from Tigga Towers. She so loves their products, but really, they are for bigger cats and everything is very slippery surfaces and expensive due to the exceptional quality. Momma could't justify even buying us a basket. Such a shame. We need something for our cat tree to stop that Baby Grace falling out!
The Parentals left us today to go to Hay-on-Wye to visit ManSlaves Parentals. They went to a lovely restaurant called the Three Tuns for a organic Sunday Lunch. There were no doggy bags to be had AND they were late home. The traffic had them snarled up and they overshot tea time by an hour. I was writhing about holding my stomach and J1 was screaming because his noms comes an hour before ours. The CatWomen had spent most of the day winding him up and blowing raspberries at him through the window. Poor J1, deprived of Noms and sex! At least I only have Noms to worry about!
KS =^..^=