Lillibet is having a hard time this winter. Last time she tried to grow a coat she got blood poisoning and any fur she had was too terrified to show it's face, so for a whole year, she has resembled a loo brush with a fluffy handle. This year though, it seems all her prayers to Bastet have come true and she seems to be growing something. At first Momma thought she had fleas. God forbid. But no, it wasn't fleas or bed bugs or anything mitelike... no, it was diagnosed as 'fur growth'. For goodness sakes, everything is a drama! She can be sat one minute, quite happy, then she is of, jumping and biting at her sides like a pony with colic. Again, all this was tested and nothing came back... but each evening she does the same thing and each morning she has more velvet. It has been concluded that she is knitting!
We really hope it stays as the loo brush texture is being replaced by soft velvet. She is even quite spotty and different chocolate colours. It is quite a change for her and one that will take her some time to perfect. But if she is lucky and Santa answers all of her wishes, maybe, just maybe, she can have a fur coat... I hear they are in this year!
KS =^..^=