Momma trieto decrease the food by actually weighing it out, but still it didn't work, so Momma has resorted to buying a big bag of Porta 21 Feline Heaven FOR FAT CATS! It has taken a week of intensive weighing and feeding and substituting meat & Miamor. She hasn't noticed and even is struggling to eat the full 20gms as heaven is more 'filling' but still high in protein, just less fat. It is working. She has a waist again. Her rexy ripples don't stand to attention, but smooth into her littler body. She was just getting far too soft! But as a bed partner, soft is lush and you can put your head into her belly and float away. Momma said she will be bones soon and I had better watch my floating then.
Poor Faith has always been prone to rotundness, it comes from her grandma. Lillibet, on the other hand takes after her father and is as lithe as a bean pole, albeit a fat bean pole, more akin to Broad than French! So, Lillibet too has joined the diet train. Now, Simon likes me a little more 'rounded' in case I have a crash. But I too have been limited in the offerings. You see, Momma couldn't understand why the weight was staying at the same and then she realised that ManSlave had been indulging us all from the 'wardrobe store'. A kilo of cat treats, farmed Duck Flavoured Moists. It's a food more than a snack and Momma buys them as treats as treats are full of sugar and things, so Sanabelles Duck Moist makes for a perfect snack. But sometimes ManSlave goes a little overboard because that Lillibet is so adorable and she hypnotises him with her dreamy face and loving looks and he breaks and we all get another snack.
Now Momma knows this, our NOMS HAS BEEN REDUCED EVEN MORE - I rang CatLine told them we are being starved of our correct rations, that we have these extra treats instead. The lady on the end of the phone said. "You have food, you have water, you have shelter - what you all are Mr. Slinky, is a Duck-filled-fatty-pusses". Now thinking out loud, wouldn't that be grammatically incorrect?
KS =^..^=