I am to accompany Faith to see Simon the Vet. Faith has been under the weather - she has never ha a sick day in her life, but seems to just not be herself at all. It's all quite worrying really because on one paw the vets say I am not shedding any virus type things and on another paw Faith is peeky. Oh the shame this crustiness is bringing on the family. Faith isn't helping matters as everytime she goes to the vets, she is 'faking' a temperature - I mean, seriously, as if there isn't enough going on already and she has to up her body heat to stupid amounts making everyone think she is going to pop her clogs. She has had more FURMOMETERES this week than I have had in a life time! ManSlave purchase a new one and Momma tested her at home - normal. What is going on? Me thinks she is so stressed with me being out of sorts and hissing and thwakking everyone because I feel so hurty, that she has wound herself up. On top of this, the Parentals are decorating in the house and that is exacerbating everyones conditions.
Well, at least with this sort of thing - I don't need a FURMOMETER and anyone that thinks I do will have another thing coming!
KS =^..^=