I have regrown my Neoplasm, and the last one was cancerous, so Simon decided that my ticker is in very good health now, with no hint of even a murmur and therefore I was able to be sedated this time. Phew, I hate the sight of blood and I nearly passed out last time. I was given super attention and felt quite loving after it was all done and complete. Wowzers, when I cast my licker over the wound my innards curled up and shriveled a bit. Made e twinge so much that I left the washing of it to Faith when I got home. No way I was washing that thing with it's purple whiskers. Damn freeloaders attaching themselves to my skin and now I shall have a scar to take over the two scars before it. I will be a hero. I will say I fought a dragon or a giant dog! Heck yeah, I will be lifted up onto the shoulders of ManSlave and carried aloft with shouts of King Slinky Slayer! Sorry, it must be the drugs they gave me, they are making me rather giddy.
Of course, once home, I milked it for all it's worth. Momma caring for me. Sleeping next to her in bed and having my sore sore washed and bathed in salt water to dry it out quickly. Oh yes, I love the attention. Snuggled in Momma's arms with her cooing at how brave I am. This is the life. This is how to spend ManSlaves money. This is the English Dream!