On Thursday I had me a little taste of Beef & Celery when the parentals got urgently called to the neighbours and on their return, Momma spotted a 'hole' in food where it lay in the pan! She quickly stirred it and served it up before ManSlave noticed. On Friday the Parentals were meant to have a romantic Valentines meal of fresh prawns, instead, they ha a quick 40 minute stop at the harvester where we were all treated to a kitty bag of steak, except I was annoyed they had missed our lunch completely and ravishly ate some of the tissue the steak was brought home in! On Saturday, ManSlave had fish fingers for his breakfast, I licked the foil and then went on to lick the frying pan after he made an egg sandwich at lunch and licked the entire sink clean of pizza crumbs and cheese from dinner. By this time I was feeling rather ill and off colour and in need of the 'Pink Tray'.
I don't know why I do it, but now Momma is home, I have had my drugs reassessed and food weighed out (I get a little more because I have dropped weight) and the sink has been washed out properly and the dishwasher not left open so I can't lick the plates. I also had my bum smacked and I was washed last night and felt totally humiliated because I was caught licking clean forks on the drainer. There is a new rule in the house now. I am not sure what is it entirely because everytime they talk about this new rule, I am shut out of the kitchen?
KS =^..^=