So this morning, I was watching from under the crack in the door and I see Pearl loading her full 800g onto the backside of the Trebuchet multi kitty gym and lightweight Pandora was teetering on the far edge, with a draw back on the bowing side, Astrid and Maisie lend a helping paw to really draw the side down and tentatively, Pandora climbs on. I could immediately see what was going to happen, but was powerless to do anything about it. There was an almighty 'stand clear' and Pandora took a somewhat elegant first flight in a struggled arc right onto the edge of the bed and down the side and her fall was broken by the litter tray at the side of the bed. Meeeeeewwwww. She wailed as she was catapulted through the air. The other three laughing so hard they could barely stand. "Again, again." Shouts Astrid, climbing to the top to get best leverage, but Pandora is not trying THAT a second time. I stifle a giggle. Like you do!
I remember playing on this very multi kitty gym when I was just a kit. In fact, Momma brought it for me. It was so much fun and I was just one! I never got to do things like that though, I think I would have enjoyed being catapulted hither and thither. Flying is a huge achievement and a mighty 6.5weeks old, Pandora has beaten most kitties in her league already! I didn't fly until I was 5 months old. I leapt onto what I thought was going to be a safe landing, ManSlave, but he moved because I didn't announce I was coming at him full pelt down the stairwell. And bang, crash whollop I tumbled down the stairs in an ungainly heap, but during those first moments of flight I felt incredible, as though I really do have those butterfly wings Momma is always painting on cats! But flying is short lived, I haven't tried again for awhile. The only flying is from the fridge to the window climber and that's about it. I watch the birds with utter envy that they can just fly away.
I hear my cousin, Jamie, in Ireland experiences the same feeling of frustration that the only thing a cat can't do is fly after those frustrating seagulls outside his home in Cobh. Jasmine is more philosophical about birds, she thinks a bird in the paw is worth two bits in your dish. She is a wise soul that one, pretty too! I can hear Jamie shouting now "I AM THE ORIGINAL MAYSTAR BOY!" Oh my, so he is... he was nearly the ONLY boy too until Kevin came along and rained on his parade!
Talking of parades, I am to go to a show soon. It is a parade as such right? Lillibet tells me it's fun. She quite liked showing, not that she got placed at all, but still, she had fun. My mum doesn't like showing and spends all day growling at the judges and my Sister Flaire, who is a Champion spat and snarled her way through the whole ordeal. She really didn't like people poking their faces in HER pen, neither did she like the fact there were Cornish Rex looking snootily down their noses at her from across the way. Nope, she much prefered the open showing where Momma handled her all day. Oh well. I don't think I shall act like that, I shall take a leaf out of My Dad's book and me more like him! Calm and a little bit silly. I think I may yell some and stick my paws through the cage doors and rip up my processing cards and mess up my bed and spill my water into my litter and then, if the judges are lucky, they might get one of my rumbling purrs! I have been told to keep my ears down and eyes soft and my whisker pads out and my nose in! Heck with all that... I will have my mouth open, ears back and be singing show tunes to anyone that will listen.
So long folks. Love from Vee <3