On Tuesday, Pearl had to go to the Vet to have a scan and Cystocentesis, a procedure to remove urine from the bladder with a needle. She was in really early and by afternoon there was a call to say it was all successful and she was so well behaved that there was no sedation required as she laid down as Momma had been teaching her all the previous week so it wasn't so scary and Vet Maddie said she was an amazing pretty girl who purred all day with everyone one and rode on her shoulders. Momma felt so very proud of her because a few years back she was scared very baddly at a show and she was never the same with anyone ever again. The tests results came back on Thursday that there was no infection, just some sludge so she was to continue on the diet I had a few months back and all the pills and pain killers and already she is improving and we are all playing with toys together so we know she feels much brighter again and she is living up to her name of Purrrly. The vet has given her the all clear for vaccinations in a few weeks time and hopefully another litter in late Spring as they feel it is all hormonal and better to get her less stressed. Just in time we hope as Ikon is showing some prowess.
Onto Wednesday and the rest of the week where the Breelings are growing and I was allowed in to see them briefly on the bed. SaBreena let me sit on a scratch post as observe, she just kept one eye open and trained on me in case I pinched one. I wouldn't do that, they taste funny at this age and smell like a mini goat herd. Momma looked after mine for me, I was spoilt! Robyn is getting on my nerves, I don't know why I feel such animosity towards her currently? maybe I am a little bit green eyed monster as she has taken my space in Momma's bed. Hmm, I will think on it. She is my only GrandCat and I loved playing with her when she was little and now she has turned into a fat feline football and ripe for fighting with. Robyn's nickname of Mariarchi has her remembering her own kittenhood and she is belting between kitten room and bathroom playing the Mariarchi band tune and tipping her sombrero as she scuttles in front of Momma all purposeful and full of self importance. She just makes me want to trip her up. Today, she looks like one of those cartoon characters "If animals were round". Go on, look them up - she is so like that, bumping into stuff and getting stuck and unable to jump. It is a job not to sit there sniggering at her. Momma caught me an clipped my lughole. Not my fault she is comical trying to wash her backside.
Ikon is another comical character, although, he is still on my hate list. ManSlave threatens me with a visit to 'The House Of Fun' if I don't stop chasing Robyn around and pasting her. He reminds me how I feel when Ikon pastes me. It's every cat for themselves here you know. Look after numero uno right? Momma says not, it's share or be eaten! OMC, I might be the next Sunday Lunch? Cat-O-Van, Fee-Lime Pie or worst still some Calalonian dish. Yikes, I had better be good from now on as Cat-Line are on furrlough and don't care anymore so I have no outlet for complaint. I would, however, like to put in my own complaint that if I am to be Sunday lunch that the darn oven light is on the blink again and this is the second bulb to enter it's depths and the third to blow in as many weeks. Those People at Neff are gonna get a taste of my thunderpaw if they don't sort out this crucial bit of kit so I can see, um wait, myself cooking.... on second thoughts, keep your light, I am out of here before I become dinner!
I would also like to complain too at the amount of food that is being carried upstairs and never to return. I just do not quite know where it is all going? Well, except the furry slugs that SaBreena made are now filling their hollow leggies and she is looking thinner and thinner, despite sniffing tin full after tin full of duck parfait and rabbit roulade. So, now there is goats milky being mixed up and bags of rabbit mixture and vitamins and this and that heading into that room and never to return and what do I get? NUFFIN. Now, Pearl is getting something at lunchtime to aid her water intake and so is Flaire to bring her to breeding condition. Pfft. They nip to the bathroom at 'their' feeding time for a spoonful of ducky mixed to a fine liquid like a duck gazpacho. What do I get....NUFFIN! I am getting fed up with NUFFIN so I sit close to Filly in the morning and lick a few bit of bunny from her dishy and right behind me now is Faith and behind her Lillibet. None of us dare move or lose our place and that Filly is tough and growls at us all. Us three NUFFIN cats are fading away don't you know. Last Sunday with that amazing bit of lamb - I got NUFFIN then too.
Back to Ikon, he will go into the vets for his vaccine soon and he will get his eye checked too and we hope a final sign off for the damage he did flying from the cat wheel into the door. He is on steroid drops every 3rd day now until his check up. He is also feeling the joys of Spring and is beginning to take notice of more than just Horrible Horraces. Flaire and Pearl have been parading in the warm weather and so has a rival garden cat or two from the local area. He is very dapper and quiet compared to his screaming son who sounds like a strangled peacock every morning yelling 'the song of his people' to the neighbourhood and all the felines within a mile radius. His mind is on chicks and I don't mean the feathered variety! Ikon is more of a gent, well, OK, a lazy love sausage, and doesn't have to yell and scream to get the ladies. He can still entice me over, with his good looks, then I remember the belting he will give me and he can pee for Poland to draw them in with his stinky scent. Yuck. It's enough to make a NUFFIN cat gag... Mmm let Flaire and Pearl deal with those pheromones!!
The highlight of the week was a delivery from Crystal Clear Pet Products with two new zippy beds and a ton of toys that the Lovell's carefully chose to match our cat houses and Momma's kitchen. The box is huge and even though it's recycle week, it's a keeper fur sure. OK, I am off to check on lunch... wait, what is this rubbish? Pre-cooked pork slices and boiled spuds? No oven to peer into? Well, that's ruined my entire weekend. Pfft not only a NUFFIN cat but a NUFFIN NUFFIN. Sigh. Herrumph.
Your loyalist of Queen Vee's (well THE ONLY QUEEN VEE!) =^..^=