Faith took refuge under the kitchen table, protected by her dark colour in the shadows and also by a portcullis of the chair back. She is fed up with his trying to look up her petticoats and sniffing around her stockings. She takes no interest in such things and tells him so with blushing "no, no that's so rude" gestures. Ironically, when J1 is safely in his 'House of Fun' you can often catch her doing a decent impression of the folies bergere along the windowsills and she is not much bothered about her petticoats then! Wonder what will happen when the Neuter-UM chip finally wears off and we are left with a screaming banshee to contend with. I bet all petticoats will be removed in favour of fur coat and no knickers!
Lillibet was quite the star. With all of this Meets & Greets with Gracie, Lillibet was quite brave and sweet too. She kept her Thwakking paw down and made a bee line for J1. Well, she saw his back end whilst she followed at a safe distance to get a good sniff of his tail. But she became quite excited and jumped down from the worktop and did a happy circuit around the kitchen. J1 saw this and decided that a pursuit was a good idea. But I saw the look in his eyes, he wasn't going to play. Now, Lillibet has never had a telling off or even a Thwak back, we are not allowed. She is special and woe betide if I even make a mistake of touching her, Faith is upon me like a cat possessed. But this was going to be a different matter and one I ashamedly instigated.
Lillibet was doing her excited race about and she ran up to the top of the cat post, I was there and wouldn't allow her up. I didn't want my position compromised and it's very narrow, so I pushed her off and she fell backwards and landed square on top of J1. That's when, from a raised platform I could see what his intentions were. Hidden behind his back was his marble filled sock and he intended to use it and use it he did. He pummelled her and she took it well for a cat who has never taken a beating. But Momma's voice reined over the scene as she shouted "JIMMY LEAVE" and to everyone's surprise he spat her out and ManSlave scooped him up. He dare not touch Lillibet, she was in a frenzy of now doing ten fast circuits around the kitchen, smashing and breaking everything in her path. She didn't stop until she had covered a good distance and then she allowed Momma to touch her and calm her down with quiet words.
J1 was now belting out a war ballad, in my opinion, off key. Lillibet lost her voice for a few hours and has been ever so kind to Gracie and stopped hissing at her and more importantly the Thwakking is more under paw that over paw. The height and strength is more in tune with a small kitten that a damn great lion. I believe a little of what you fancy does you good... In this case a little of what I fancied did Lillibet good.
KS =^..^=