Our week has been busy, there is a mouse under the decking so the youngans have been out daily with heads tilted at forty five degrees to the deck outside the back door. SaBreena is the most intriguing girl and quite the huntress like her Mother, Pearl. She has not moved and every evening Momma picks her up from her watching spot and carries her indoors. She looks back longingly wishing she was back outside and lets out a huff and a small squeal and immediately turns to liquid in Momma's hands and makes her way to the cat barrel on the landing, exhausted from her day she sleeps a 12hour shift. Robyn and Magnus Rex race about chasing springs and things. I find myself caught up in the chase and enjoy pasting Magnus up and down the stairs. He thinks it's hillarious and can't run fast enough, then we tumble onto the landing and roll about in a tight embrace, where upon I was his face and ears and he laughs with delight. Such a chatty kitten and so sweet natured. I let his Dad, Ikon, take over then as they are put to bed in the kitchen with tunnels and treat games to keep them occupied.Robyn has crashed beside Momma and is reluctantly peeled away and so too put in the kitchen.
Last week brought news that Bruno (Flaire's 2020 litter) had eaten or licked something nasty in their catproof garden. His parentals were beside themselves with worry as he was taken to the vets and left on a drip for the day. He had a very upset tummy that just wouldn't stop being gloopy. It was a real shame as he only just ventured out recently after having his niknaks removed. Luckily, reports are that he has bounced back after a day of fluids and is back playing with Tootsie and racing about and of course being super dooper loving and cuddly and had the very best home care a guy could want. Now back at 100% he has enjoyed the weekend tootling about outside again under very strict supervision and paws crossed he keeps his licker in his head this time! Pfft kittens!!
More crazy news came from Ireland where Jasmine (Faith litter 2012 and first born Maystar!!) had a freak accident and had to go into major surgery, she was in the specialist vet hospital for a few days and now we hear she is home and safe again eating, drinking and using her tray. She too has THE best care with her doting family and nothing is too much for Princess Jasmine. Her parentals took it in shifts to care for her and finally are getting some sleep again. At aged nearly 8yrs old, you think she would know better than swinging from the chandeliers! Sigh.
We do have more news, but we are not allowed to spill the good news beans just yet. I am itching to tell someone, so Momma and I chat between us all excited. It is always nice to end the week on a happy note!
Flaire has been so naughty this week and is screaming and screaming all the time. It all started when ManSlave gave her a freeze dried ducky treat. Now she want want wants all the time and just won't shut up. If she isn't screaming for treats she is moaning and growling at everyone. She is adamant that Magnus Rex, her own son, is a mortal enemy. Well, in some ways it is not a bad thing, when she is calling he gets quite frisky in the little boys department! Momma picks Flaire up and pretend smacks her butt, this works for two ways, one to tell 'Queen too big for her boots' who is boss and the other it sort of makes Flaire more loving? Go figure? The girl is a sadist. Once this ritual is finished where Flaire screams in Momma's face and Momma smacks her botty whilst secretly checking her for lumps and bumps and anything that might be upsetting her. Then, like a light switch, she calms and begins to purr! WHAT, HOW, WHY? She is carried aloft like a show cat and exhibited in the style of a winner winner turkey dinner and presented to ManSlave where she proceeds to march about his head and dances on his chest and kisses his face and stares at him with her glistening blue eyes and he calls her his blue eyed girl. Then she makes her way over to Momma's chair purring and snuggling and kissy and teeters back to her man, her one and only and settles on his lap, looking into his eyes and screams her love cry. Honestly, it is sickly to watch. You wouldn't catch me doing all that lovey dovey stuff.... well, ok, I do it to Momma and when no one is watching and I don't need my botty smacked to love anyone!
Today, the 2nd part of that piggy roast is going into the oven on super slow cook. It was a tad tough last week, so this type of joint needs a slowly slowly approach. We have a small portion removed and cooked separately as there is a strong deep flavour on it this weekend that is making my nose twitch. There is nothing like a free range piggy to get your mouth all watery. Well, except if you are a veggie or vegan - then it is totally repulsive I am sure! Cats are not veggie, so it's all or nuffin and seeing as my skin problems stem from over processed proteins in cat kibble, I relish the opportunity to have a little fresh stuff. It out weighs the vile tasting liquid I have to take each night - shudder.
I am your Queen Vee, your cat of a life time your cheerer upper.
Until next week loyal followers. =^..^=