When I eat bad things, well, things I have stolen or licked (which is NOT my fault) I get a skin reaction, the 'pink tray' is usually required and then my belly swells. It also makes my kidneys swell, especially my right one. Simon the Vet tells me it is possibly part of my reaction cycle as it's only then it happens. If you remember, in the Summer, I did a 'tinkle test' and all came back 'normal'. It's just the way I work I guess. I am unique after all.
My food is now weighed out everyday, this is annoying as I can't even have a tiny bit more. I have two types of food, one is a very pricey kibble from Hills in the form of Venison & Pea. If I only eat this, my stools are too big and I can't cope with all that biscuit. I am also STARVING! I am on steroids as well, so they make me feel hungry. So Momma devised a food that is bulky, yet made of all protein and steralised. Interesting huh! It makes me feel super full and I still get my vitamins and minerals from the hills and I am, for the first time, putting on weight and keeping it! I weigh a mighty 4.18K. For my family, this is a good weight!
My meal times now go like this:-
Brekki:- 50g protein & 10g hills & 2.5mg Prednisolone
Treat:- 2 x hills biscuits (the girls get dreamies!!!)
Lunch:- 10g hills
Nom time:- 50g protein & 10g hills & 2.5mg Prednisolone
late supper:- 20g hills
In these small amounts, I am getting my much needed 'bulk' to make me feel full as well as my daily amount of Hills at the lower end. And, I am not YAWPING! I don't really even ask for food like I used to. Every 5 minutes. So, my skin is a tiny bit sore on my shoulder, my eye is a tiny bit puffy, but when your body rejects every protein going, I feel this is a good compromise to go forward with. hey, and it's only taken 5years to achieve this perfection and a lot of hard work. I don't require as many baths as I used to and the Malassezia dermatitis** is staying away as is the Urticaria Pigmentosa.*** My kitty colitis is brought on by allergies and these other things I have just get exacerbated by anything I have an allergy to, in and out of my body... and that is even dust, wool, flowers and smells.
I love being me, I am unique. People have leered at my baldness**** and said some very mean things, but I can't help being bald, it's in my genes. Does it make me any less lovable, nope. It makes me tolerate a heck of a lot of abuse, especially from other Devon Rex owners and breeders. I am lucky that my original breeder was so caring to find me a special home where I could have all this care and attention from Momma. These things happen - genetics are never perfect - I am a unique and special character who loves fuss and attention - but only to those who worship me!
KS =^..^=
*Grade III—intermediate loudness; most murmurs which are related to the mechanics of blood circulation are at least grade III. - That's me - but I don't have Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy - my test results are negative on that!
** a single-celled yeast that causes ear infections, greasy skin and itchiness, which is treated with antifungal drugs or in my case - anti dandruff shampoo!
*** a dermatological problem that causes crusty sores on the body and is treated with prednisolone and essential fatty acids.
**** Congenital hypotrichosis, otherwise known as hereditary baldness.