Lillibet "Squeak"
ManSlave "I know what you want"
Lillibet "Squeaaaaaak"
ManSlave "I have to shave first"
Lillibet "Squeaaaak"
ManSLave "Ow!"
Lillibet has hitched herself to his hip and is climbing the towel!
ManSlave "you are gonna slip, Ow, yep, OW..EEEK, OW..."
Lillibet now sitting on the side of the sink helping with shaving, having climbed full length of ManSlaves towel.
ManSlave "Do you want to pull the plug Lillibet"
Lillibet "Squeeeeeeeeak" (her voice is going)
There is excitement now and Faith gets down from the radiator with a thud on the loo seat and gets into the shower tray.
ManSlave "Ok, this is it, waters coming Faith"
Faith "Mep mep"
Lillibet "Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeak"
You hear the plug being pulled, Lillibet is on the loo seat (you can hear it moving) Faith is in the shower tray... gurgle gurgle gurgle... the water is running up through the plug hole in the shower and down the plug hole in the sink. Both girls are ecstatic. Faith picks out the plug hole cover and carries it into the bedroom and leaves it just outside the door. Lillibet is now after a treat.
ManSlave "Come on then, dreamies time - who wants a dreamies?"
Faith and Lillibet squeak in unison (it's deafening), Lillibet runs to the stool and Faith to the bed and they both balance like Meercats waiting for their treat.
ManSlave "Right, there you go. Good girls, pretty beautiful girls"
He finishes with their snax and heads back into the bathroom, stepping onto the discarded plug cover.
ManSlave "Those blinkin' cats, you are all a pain in the arse!"
He loves us really!
KS =^..^=