Photographs are boring, but the stage that Momma sets up is lots of fun. Last week, the Minicats had a stool to play on. Cover that with a waffle throw we are allowed nowhere near and bingo, a really exciting playground for swinging on and hiding under. They only have to be good for 15 minutes and in those 15 minutes they cause more havoc than an entire day. For some reason they just come alive, even though they have just been plucked from deep slumber and on occasion, eyes are not even fully open, filled with sleep and dreaming. Then, in a flash on an eye the Minicats are fully awake and attacking everything, each other and not sitting very still at all. It takes more muscles to sit still you see, so that is much harder work. And when they do sit still, they are generally facing away from the camera. No amount of clicking of hooman fingers or waggling of toys gets their attention.
Signing off this week with a further pending photo shoot of kittens at 9 weeks old. This should be fun. Watch this space. With doting royal love from your majestic and loyal Queen Vee =^..^=