So when Momma also refused to get up this morning, Faith stuck to her like glue in case she changed her mind. Every time Momma got weary and stopped stroking her tummy, Faith would reach out and demand a little more.
Momma will then sing to her "How many Bubbahs in the fold?" It's a silly little song that goes something like this...
Where are they hiding?
Where can they beeee?
Bubbahs insidinging
Waiting for meee
Where are they now?
What can they see?
Can they hear me singingggg?
Bubbahs come to meee
Look at your bellyyy
Round as can beeee
Bubbahs are hidingggg
Hiding from meeee
Growing so big now
No more will they hide
Bubbahs are growing
Growing inside
In the fold of our arms
They will come to thee
Bubbahs excited
Excited and freeeee
OK, so it's a bit silly, but Faith and Momma enjoy a little sing along and each verse can change depending on the mood of things. But Faith really likes this lullaby, it's soothing and she purrs along singing with the thought of her babies.
This next two weeks are critical now, no more being silly and jumping on ManSlave and hurting him because she is too heavy and falls, dragging her nails deep into his shoulder. The amount of shirts he has been through that have been staine with his blood as the CatWomen fly from post to shoulder! I occasionally do it just for effect and because I am so heavy, I love to watch him wince!
KS =^..^=