It's Gracie ManSlave shouts, she has bounced onto the ornamental twigs in the lounge. Quick.
We all run into the lounge, where Lillibet is running out, belly to the ground and there we find an impaled kitten with a broken twig in the heavy vase, a smaller bit by her side and collection of snapped pieces where perhaps her and Lillibet had been experimenting picking the lock to the 'Dreamies Cabinet'? She was clawing at her mouth and gagging and drooling. Then, as soon as that was done, it was back to racing about the house at full speed ahead. It's 8pm and the vets is shut, but it's OK all is well, Momma checks her mouth and nothing to be seen, no damage. Phew. But to be on the safe side, Gracie gets to sleep with the Parentals. YAWP!
All tucked up in bed at midnight and Momma puts her hand down to comfort Gracie who had started to gag, it was wet on the bed, she hadn't started to gag, but had just finished being sick. Oh great. Lights on, and WOAH! A silent sicker! The bed was dripping edge to edge with regurgitated pilchards! The smell hit the Parentals nostrils, ManSlave was out of bed, gagging and Gracie was gagging and the whole room took on the smell of the canning factory at New Quay. Two hours later and clean sheets and a little water for Gracie and out came the next lot, this time from earlier in the day and well, that we could smell in the kitchen!
It's now 2am and Gracie, now voided of all noms starts to cry and is hungry. Momma does not relent but suspects a stick or other foreign object stuck somewhere in her tiny body. It's not long until 7am and vets opening times. She is perky and bright and climbing the FlatCatz window panels trying to escape the smell and pouncing on feet and generally being a pain in the butt! Then by the 7am there is a temperature to accompany her swelling throat. Oh great. This is going to be fun explaining this little lot to Vet Simon.
Gracie is whisked down to the vets and Simon takes a good and says, "not convinced there is a blockage, lets treat conservatively". She was, by this time gagging and having trouble swallowing and must have had a heck of a sore throat. "Take her home, keep her warm, let the metacam and AB's start their work and don't feed until 2pm." Simon tells the Parentals. Well, quiet was an understatement, she would not sit still, she was buzzing and on a high! Really Gracie? Poor Lillibet had a run for her money and I got ridden around the top floor like a top point to pointer. This kid needs to calm down. She just wouldn't stop and way hyper, Momma fed her at 1.30pm, it was a compromise, she was going nuts! She crashed and slept until 5pm where upon she woke up and deposited chicken worms all over ManSlaves shoes! Simon is contacted, he says bring her straight down. Again, he double checks her and decides, 'Do nothing' but this time feed tiny meals of no more than 10mgs of A/D and water every hour. See you in the morning if that stays in. See you in a few hours if it doesn't! It stayed in.
All night she seemed to be just OK and was hungry and very sore and the Metacam was half way through it's work and she began to get worse and worse and hot and sticky and very sore, but the Noms stayed in, so the Parentals took her right back before open surgery to see Vet Simon again. Now he is worried, but is sure no blockage now as passed a small pooh. But the temperature should be gone? More Metacam and more tiny feeds and more monitoring. Momma starts to add manuka honey to her hourly feeds. Manuka has good antibacterial properties and thinking about how if feels when your throat is sore, keeping it moist is the key to recovery as is fluids to flush any bacteria or virus through the body. Lots of electrolites, lots of wees and with every wee some improvement and every manuka dose, better swallowing and less gagging and the Noms stayed in full time. Bingo.
Update: 15/01/14:- Gracie was with Vet Simon again this morning and he is now happy that there is no foreign object, her mouth is clean and not swollen anymore, she is eating proper food again, albeit my very special mini sachets of fishy surprise I have to hide the taste of my Atopica. Oh well, In true Devon fashion bounced back good and proper, leaving Vet Simon with great assurance that a little Pharyngitis from stick poking has occurred and rectified as quickly as it came. She is on antibiotics for a few days and made to rest and sleeping in with Momma until she can swallow normally. Yesterday it all looked so grim, but today she did the 'cancan' over the consulting table and took the Furmometer with a little annoyance and a Devon Scowl. She is back, our Racy Gracie.
KS =^..^=