Sunday lunch is worth getting involved in, where as vacuuming is a dull sport to watch. However, Sunday is a bed change day, but today, Faith really didn't want to move and even thought the bedding usually gets done first thing in the morning Momma just couldn't disturb her. So she got back on the bed with Faith and finished a painting, whilst Faith slept soundly next to Momma and purred every time Momma touched her.
There was a Sunday lunch today, but both of the Parentals were not that hungry. I was, of course, very hungry and YAWPED and YAWPED the whole time it was cooking. It was a little tiny piece of piggie and really just only enough for me. It's expensive that freerange stuff, I really think they ought to get the cheaper cuts and we could all indulge. But Momma won't have anything unless it's run free and had a god start in life. What about MY start in life?
The bedding has now been changed and Faith was dragged around the bed on the bottom sheet, she was hanging on for dear life, digging her claws in and swinging hither and thither getting a free ride. Then when the new sheets went down, she raced about and under the sheet making a little moving hump. OK, I couldn't help myself, I saw her, I haven't moved for most of the day, but this was too good an opportunity to miss. I pounced on her and made her cry out. She is such a baby at times! That was my exercise for the day. Well the only thing I had exercised was my voice box - now that I had exercised an awful lot.
KS =^..^=