So, OK, showing is always traumatic, but for his first time out as an adult, he coped very well. His main object of the day was not to look good, but to hide under the bedding and escape the smells and noises. He was totally fine until the tannoy system was tested early in the day and BAM! Up went his water dish, into the cat litter and under his blanket he went and everything was soaked including him. So after a bath the day before, he was getting cleaner by the second.
So, out with the bedding and out with J1 and dried off and placed back in. Luckily fleece and vet bed dry quickly and Momma had a spare blankie. His day continued well, he slept for most of it and looked a little fidgety whilst being handled, but as an entire male with a girl one side and an entire boy the other it must feel quite bewildering?
The main part was over, the humans are allowed back in the hall to see their fury charges and gather results. No sign of his open class, but a huge surprise was J1 had beaten 5 other cats in a side class. Momma was gobsmacked! Later in the day his results were in for his open class and it is not set in stone that they get a certificate, but J1 had been awarded his Challenge Certificate (gold card) and a lovely rosette and a medal for Best of Breed. OK, so he was the only one in his class, but it still doesn't mean it's a dead cert. There are many things that a human can do wrong to prep their felines or indeed the cat it's self may have a glaring fault. Everyone was so pleased that J1 had done his thing and although nervous and worried, he had still impressed his judge enough for an award.
J1 was happy to see his breeder and some friends he had met recently and responded well to Momma all day. He is quite the sweet young man. He didn't do himself any favours at the end of the day when his bladder got a little over full and he tiddled on his vet be instead of in the tray, then laid under the vet bed (which of course pulls water away to the underside) Oh, dear me, J1 was a tad stinky and the whole row and row behind that were upset at the tomcat stench. Momma had to wash his bedding toutsweet and wipe J1 down and pack him up for home smelling not quite as sweet as she would have liked. He was so ashamed and HATES being smelly. (unlike TomFun - who LOVED it!!)
Momma drove home and ManSlave had a hot soapy sink full of water and he was de-scented for a second time this week. But oh how he loved it this time around. He is the happiest he has been in three weeks. He ate a hearty dinner, race around the House of Fun at high speed, was full of cuddles and wanted fussing and playing with. He looked so relieved to know that this is his home and I think now, you could say that he had a good day of sorts and quite a break through on where he sees home.
So, watch this space for more showing fun. He has another couple booked over the coming months and we hope the Judges on those days award to him as well. We want his breeder and 'back' breeders to be as proud as we are of this sweet, loving and kind old fashioned Devon Boy who looks like he has stepped out of the 80's in his Velour pants and Cosby sweater!
KS =^..^=