I think Gracie might have enjoyed her day more if she had used the catloo, but to no avail all day and by the end of the day, she was a full bellied growly puss. Such a shame. Momma closed all the curtains on her show bed for privacy too. But even so, she soldiered on to each ring, tucked in Momma's feather coat to keep her toasty and had a good look about with a scowly little face. Luckily, in one ring, she kept that scowly little face and beat a cat who had thrashed her six times that day. Gracie wasn't really that bothered, but Momma squealed like a stuck pig and it made everyone around her jump! Grand Mew Mew came too and saw Gracie beat the other very nice foreign Devon Rex, so that was really quite a highlight for the day. Unfortunately, Gracie didn't final in that ring as there were many many beautiful cats to chose from. But all the same, it was a little exciting for a short while and more dusting and shoe polish was applied 'just in case'.
I am not sure if Momma will take Gracie out again? Maybe to the TICA one in December if she hasn't had kittens by then? ManSlave doesn't want her to go again, but I think if she used her catloo, she would enjoy the day much much more. One to ponder on...
KS =^..^=