The show was very exciting. I did ok in the first round, then in the second round the Judge called "owner, owner". I had learned that if I hiss and puff and spit, they don't take you out of the pen and Momma came along to do it for them. Momma opened the door and I bounced out kissing her face. Put on the table I grumbled and spat at the Judges. By ring three I was really naughty and at ring four Momma had a word with the steward so the judge would be brave and just take me out. It worked and broke the naughty cycle I had created. I was also being very naughty about going back into our comfy holding crate with Pearl and beat her up on more than one occasion. For this I had time out like a naughty child. Pfft. I even slapped Momma around the face with my pasting-paw. Then I realised what I had done and fell about trying to make it up to her. Even though I was a feisty wee beastie, I still got a few Best of Breed ribbons. Quite amazing really. My cattitude made me look extra rexy it seems.
We didn't get to the show on the third day due to snow, apparently, I wasn't going anyway due to my behaviour and then finishing off Saturday evening by piddling in my carrier! oops. Momma tried to leave in the snow, Pearl all packed up for the day. But the main roads hadn't been gritted and her big rear wheel car just slid all over the road and then got stuck in 7" of snow. Luckily our neighbour helped Pearl and Momma in his big Land Cruiser. He then took her to collect all our show gear that was still at the hall whilst Pearl and I sat in the window watching snow flakes.
Pearl was quite excited about the snow and trotted outside to watch the squirrels in -2. She looked like a Yeti in her thick rex coat. Quite impressive how warm she stays with only her ears and paws feeling the chill. Not me, I didn't venture out at all, staying in the warmth of the kitchen where ManSlave was cooking mince pies. I only licked the butter a few times when he wasn't looking. Shhh.
My vet visit was long and arduous. The snow was frustrating as our vets is 40 minutes away. I was treated by a nice young vet called Tudor (yes, really, and I told him all about our fancy names) . He is Latvian and speaks very kindly about me. He kissed me many times tod me how beautiful I was - funny, I was like putty in his hands, he meant it - not like those judges!! At first he was not convinced that I was as poorly as Momma said, only because I was quite bouncy. My blood tests were Ok and didn't give much away only that I was dehydrated. He put me on the drip right away and visited me in his lunch break, he offered me his ham from his sarnie, but I felt he should eat it as he is a little on the thin side! This convinced him I had to stay in for a further day as who refuses ham? Darn it, I could have come home! Instead I had lots of nurses come and visit me and tempt me with special food Momma had left. I ate nothing. was sick lots and had blood coming from my far end!! I felt too sick for ham or anything and slept for hours.
Back at home the Xmas tree is up and looking very pretty, not that I have seen much of it quarantined in the bedroom with just a set of staggered candles for company. Pearl though, oh my, she has been super naughty. She has started eating the fake tree and has puked up bits of said tree with little sparkly bits she washed it down with. Licking the glitter from a bauble and adding a side order of tinsely stuff from another bauble. She then, luckily, deposited the lot in the hallway where ManSlave stood in it. Poor ManSlave, I had, only just that very night at 2am deposited the contents of my stomach in his work shirt. It has been more sick fest than festive around here! I shall not tell you what Flaire has been up to, that will just turn your belly upside down. But have it be known, she has also had a little of what I had. Yuck-a-Vee as Momma says. No one is allowed in there now and the Minicats are being weaned. Flaire was given a shot of something to stop her being sick and one to make her hungry. It made her sleep for two whole days. She hasn't eaten much so now her milky has dried up a bit too. It is all a bit worrying, but manageable so far.
The Minicats are racing about now at 5weeks old. Bounding off the edge of the bed like lemmings. All legs and tails, all giddy with new found speed and fun. Momma was looking for Lionel, he had vanished into thin air. Finally, she found him aloft the giraffe pole, sleeping like a small panther in a tree. She swooped him up and kissed him all over. He giggled and ran off in a staggered zig zag, crabbing at everything en-route.
Seasons Greetings to my loyal subjects, Thank you for your well wishes and love sent via facebook for my speedy recovery. It is muchly appreciated. May your days be merry and bright and may your kittens climb your xmas trees and hang from your lights and rummage through their stockings!
Love from your Queen Viktori