Momma is in the other room with Flaire doing their routine with the minicats. Weighing them and preparing Flaire's brekki. This is when I swap rooms and try to steal the empty packets to take away, growling, into my bed to lick the juices from the bottom by biting hundreds of tiny holes into it and licking the oozy mess. Except, sometimes, Momma is busy and goes off to do other jobs and leaves things out that I could pinch. King Slinky left me instructions on how to get into boxes or bags of food. At first I thought I didn't really need to break into bags of food because we are free fed. However, it has become a game!
Yesterday, there was a food delivery and in the big box was 6 smaller boxes all wrapped in plastic. Then their inner boxes and into the 12 sachet box. Oh I could smell them. I knew what they housed. I was salivating just imagining a full packet in my hidy-hole. So, whilst the family were busy, I started tearing and taring and ripping and mutilating the boxes, plastic and then I was on the inside. I forced out a packet of food through a tiny hole. I growled and struggled and pulled until it came loose. Then I proceeded to chew it and shred it to get to the insides. I didn't want the food, but the rich gravy inside. So after the first pack was void of liquid, I went back for another and another and another until I had devoured all the juice from 12 sachets of food. It was so delicious. ManSlave caught me after I had done the deed. He stood like a robot in total shock at the carnage. I sat happily in the middle of my creation, covered in sauce and washing my paws.
I can't tell you about the tummy ache I had that night. I lay there trying to sleep with a bag of snakes in my belly. In some ways it was worth every lick and in others, my waist line has expanded - that is no good for showtime or meeting boys! I didn't pinch anything for a whole day, not being able to look another packet in the eye. Just as you think you will never do it again, I couldn't help being there at breakfast again and whisking away the empty packet, growling and running into my bed again. I won't change - I have an internal foody gene!
Lots of whiskery kisses from your Queen Viktory Vee