A mew, a meow and a YAWP in my case is how we speak to the stupid Parentals that miss all the subtle signs of cat intelligence and communication. Well Faith has surpassed herself this week by entering into a deep conversation of squeaking and paw touching to make her wishes known. It all started when Lillibet required her top-up feeds and was now suckling properly from Faith and gaining weight on her own, she did still need a top-up, so Momma took Lillibet & Faith to the double bed and nursed Lillibet onto Faith to get an extra 5mins without the other two knocking her off the best nipples. After the extra feed, Momma would put Lillibet back into the kitten box and Faith would wash and clean everyone and feasting ensued!
On Monday morning, Momma usually goes to the office, but she though, well another week in the kitten room wouldn't harm so set up laptop, servers & phones on the bed. Faith came and laid next to her for a few minutes then she disappeared into the kitten box, then looked over the top and squeaked, screwing her face up in that adorable way. That made Momma get up and check the babies, where upon, Faith mouthed, Lillibet and then Mouthed Momma's hand and then shot off to the bed and laid down, squeaking of course. Momma, being a bit thick, didn't do anything, so Faith repeated the process and Momma clicked that she would like Lillibet to have her top-up. Yep, she was happy then. Well after Lillibet had her 5mins, Faith raced to the box front and called the other two kittens, who came crawling to the edge of the kitten box, then she ran to Momma and took her hand again, squeaking and then ran to the hole and mouthed the kittens. Oh my, she wants them all on the bed. Momma dutifully moved the little family and they had 3hours on the bed sleeping and eating and dozing. When Faith had cleaned everyone again, she asked to have them all put back. Momma knew this because she went to the box, peeped over the top and squeaked and squeaked until Momma took them back. She is such a funny girl and so smart. She has never moved a kitten on her own and leaves them for Momma to move. Even at 8days old, she can call them to the hole and Lillibet will creep out and she lays topping Lillibet up then calls her back in again for dinner with the others. It's a remarkable thing to watch and hear on IT the Bubba Cam, but she is an amazing creature to have Momma and now ManSlave wrapped around her paw. She feels safe when Momma is watching over the babies and she sleeps really deeply knowing that everyone is cared for including her.
Yet again I watch and watch as the magic of kittens grow in front of me and can't wait to meet them all now. I wait outside her door like a little white angel, all glowing and hoping and Faith waves at me and blows me kisses when the parentals open it. She is still so sweet and gaining her svelte figure again and looking trim and fit. I do hear her in the evening playing fetch with a crinkle ball up and down the stairs, she likes to let off steam! I know she misses me because she chirrups when I call her. I miss her too, we are such good friends. Not long now.