Finally, all the squeaking has stopped, all milky top ups have stopped and all is well in kitten land. TomFun is a little sad that the milky leftovers are not coming his way and he has been 'mewling' rather than YAWPING for some. It's quite pitiful really and I have Thwakked him about his earholes to calm him down, we don't do 'mewling' only YAWPING in this house. It's all or nothing!
As I sit and watch the kittens on IT or more aptly named 'The Bubba Cam' I can see them growing before my very eyes. It's like some magic trick. They twitch and fidget whilst in a deep sleep and I swear you look a few moments later and they have grown. I am starting to worry again, soon they will be big enough to eat my food! There are all sorts of tasty morsels being offered to HRH Faith and all bowls are coming out empty, well except the bowl of tuna ManSlave took to her, she looked at him and said "Did you poison this?" Needless to say, she didn't eat it and rang down for some steamed salmon. That girl and poor ManSlave, he tries his best. He did bribe her today with some ham, she forgot herself and delicately took the tiny pieces he was tearing off for her. See ManSlave, she does like you! MOL
So now that little Lillibet is feeding on her own and James (as he is now to be called by his new slaves, Eva & David) is not taking his top ups and Minimii has sorted out which nipple is finally hers, all is well in the kitten box. Lillibet has graduated up to the big kits end of the milky bar and has ruled the roost now pointing out to the others that after she has drunk her fill on nipple no.6 on the left, then the other two may have a look in. Poor James, that was his favourite nipple. He now squeaks and squeaks, tyring to get her off, but her limpet tenacity is winning out. Minimii is determined that no one is coming between her and the No.6 right nipple, she made her stand with Lillibet and a cruel scratch match ensued... Momma and ManSlave trimmed everyones feet! Poor Faith was so worried that they just wouldn't stop arguing and left them for 3hrs, when she returned, they all just latched on any where and didn't argue once. Good little Faith, treat em mean, keep em keen. I have to say, that she did watche them all that time from the table looking in. So cute. Phaaa, cute, what am I saying? I must be going soft with all this kitten talk!
ManSlave is just weighing them in tonight, well he does have a love of weighing things and enjoys this part of his kitten duties. He played Cat Wrangler today to try and get some photos. That was a funny sight, talk about a flustered lion! I could have done a better job, nothing a good Thwakking would't have solved to keep them in check! next time it's wrangling duties, I think I should at least be consulted.
KS =^..^=