Ironically, looking into serotonin production a little deeper got Momma thinking about Pearl and her anxious behaviour and her B12 deficiency. The B12 acts as a cofactor in synthesis of serotonin and dopamine affecting her mood and high strung emotions. So with this in mind, Momma will speak to Vet Aidin on Monday to ask if injections are better for her as the B12 is being given orally and her absorbion rate in her gut is poor and should we add in L-Triptophan whilst she recovers which might reduce the hissy, spitty fits she produces if anyone looks at her. I know quite a bit for a cat don't you think?
Warning! Photo of surgery below
I traveled with Tyga to have her canular out and went to my appointment to have my Bladder poked with a BIG NEEGUL. I had some whizzy juice to sedate me a bit as as usual I was exceptionally wriggly. I also hissed at the nurses and then felt a bit bad, so fell about on my head purring and pressing myself into the nurses to apologise for being rude. It made them all laugh as you never know what a hissing cat will do next, certainly not be all silly that's for sure. I like to be different and take folks by surprise. All day, once we were home, i was silly and soppy, rolling about and squeaking to get lots of attention and making the Parentals laugh so much despite the sad outcome of my daughter, Tyga. Later in the week Vet Hannah rang to tell Momma my results which were excellent. My urine has reduced from a huge 8.5 to a neat 6.0 acidity. thank heavens all the grit has gone and I feel so much better, except the food which I have to change because I am having terrible breathing issues. However, I will stay on the Atopica and keep on the Cystease and the FLUD paste for a while longer to make sure my bladder stays calm and stress free whilst we change the food to the Animonda Intergra Rabbit & Potato. It won't be easy but at least I can tolerate rabbit better than fish and the product works for Flaire and claims it keeps urine levels to 6.5. I live in hope of being free of all these issues soon. Watch this space.
After a week of looking after Tyga, who has gone from strength to strength, there wasn't much time for anything else. In honesty, we are not sure where the week has gone, except there have been a few racings about outside for the rest of us in the warm weather and manSlave has done lots of outdoor jobs and Momma has painted the stud house and repaired and replaced shelving to make new and wider places to sit and watch Horrible Horraces from. There was a delivery too of a new cat wheel. This time a plastic one as it it much thinner and washable and fits neatly into the outside lower section of the house. Magnus and Ikon have been trying it out for a few hours a day and it is a big hit with Magnus, Ikon was not sure and kept rolling about under the heat lamp instead. They should be quite comfy out there eventually. Slowly slowly though as they are so used to being indoors. They are enjoying racing about in the length on the side of the house and learning how to climb and jump about. That way, once they do have to move out, they have an enriched life out there to enjoy and we hope that they will get on and keep each other company.
Today is a warm sunny autumnal day, the sun isn't strong enough to warm our bodies so we lay behind the plastic toasting ourselves. I have spotted a piece of pork heading into the oven. This week ManSlave had to go all hunter gatherer on us and do a shop from Tesco online. So in short, it's not our usual fare of free range local piggy as they are all out this week, ManSlave was too late to the farm. Hey ho, we will all still get a tiny bit each once it is cooked. It is my job to make sure everyone is gathered for a titbit, well, all except SaBreena who only has one tastebud! Ikon just piddled on th emain bed, luckily the bamboo encased duvet was saved it's fate of a wetting this time. He is being a bit of a bully cat and still picking on me and now smacking Tyga who has lost her top cat status. It's all going on here don't you know!
From a very humble and grateful Queen Vee. =^..^=