First of all, I didn't do it (what ever it was...)
Well, if trusting ManSlaves will leave soup on the worktop whilst the other soup is cooking in the microwave, then my licker is bound to be drawn in for a taste. I tried to fain innocence but I had a very orange nose! Ooops, I had to own up. darn it, I was going to blame it on Lillibet!
Blaming things of others is a great cat pass time. Momma has been looking after a number of fluffs in the form of Boucles Selkirk Rexs. Oh my how they pass the blame in their house. Momma went in to find ikky all over the Boucles house. Sparkles points at Turtle, who was the culprit, and in turn she pointed at poor PLC, the new kitten, who has now gone into hiding and is doing a great impression of a blinking table lamp. Then Momma visits the 5 boys outside, there are four 'furballs' laying in various areas of the run. Schmoo points to Quando, who points at Moosh, who points at Stan who points at Boblett. Poor Bob, he hangs his head and hides under the shelf in shame.
Blame can be very useful when you have done something wrong and want to pin it on another cat. Lillibet is quite good at it. She does something incredibly cute that goes wrong and instantly she blames the item of furniture that made her look silly. Just the other day she flew up the cat post, dangled from one paw and swung her self up into the crows nest, which promptly bumped her over the edge because it's been re-padded. Oh how mad was she? She ran back up and proceeded to Thwak it very hard indeed. I had better watch my step!
KS =^..^=