The light was on then, we are all blinking and getting used to it, but Lillibet was so cold and 'out of it' that she didn't know the light was on. Momma touched her cold body all over and there was a heart beat. Normally when Momma touches us all in the dark, we curl gently and respond. Lillibet, since a tiny kitten has always made a teeny tiny chirrup. But nothing! Momma woke her up gently, lifting her up. She growled. This is not good. OK, so Lillibet spends her whole days growling at Gracie and anything that is odd, but she never growls when Momma touches her. There was something dreadfully wrong.
Momma took Lillibet into the bathroom and prepared some warm kitten milk & miamor paste mix and gave her emergency steroid. Even in her dazed state Lillibet thankfully drank it and took the tiny tablet. She immediately brightened and warmed up. She was hungry, so Momma gave her a sweet pouch of Felix. That woke her up. She was very doddery and upset, her eyes were very fixed and she stared into space all the time.
Momma brought her back to bed. Lillibet became very upset with Gracie and really was showing signs of hurting her badly. She was fixated on the very worried and nosy Gracie. So Gracie went in with ManSlave for a few hours until Lillibet felt better. She even bit Faith and that is unheard of. Poor mite. Momma stayed up all night and the next day with her. It is important her sugar levels are kept up, so she has lots of small meals to make her body recover from the shock as well as a heated bed. At least this time she didn't lose use of her legs and have to visit Simon the Vet, but, she will be wobbly for a good few days to come.