Cromwell was fairing much better, but there was something not right with him? He seemed in pain and was racing around the kitten box, this is not right, this is something they do in a few weeks, not now. He was sitting up and being very odd? Then the trouble started. He started to regurgitate the milk. Momma took him to to see Simon the Vet. Simon showed Momma very carefully how to tube feed him. It could work. Even Momma's friend popped over, Miss Boucles, but she agreed there was something terribly wrong... then, right in front of them, he turned blue! This usually only means one thing... not enough oxygen.
The feeds really took their toll on Momma's new spine and she was getting very tired but never gave up once. Right to the bitter end she fought to keep Cromwell alive. Faith was so very worried that her screaming baby would cry out in pain and that Momma had to keep taking him away. Faith was poorly her self too after her operation and all this was very hurtful.
Cromwell was gaining weight with all the feeds but his breathing became worse and his lungs kept filling with fluid and Momma was draining his tiny lungs. He grew in strength and fight but his body was now a permanent blue colour, we were losing him. Faith was becoming so distressed that her baby was racing about and she couldn't settle. But in those final moments, her and Momma laid on the bed together and decided what to do. It was a very sad moment and Momma didn't give him his next feed but took him to the vet be PTS and join his brother in Rainbow Bridge.
It is a very sad time for Maystar and one that will take some time to recover from. Cromwell & Walter were everything their new families wanted and everyone was so excited. Life is cruel.
Cromwell: Maystarex Lord Privi Seal
Walter: Maystarex Esquire de Curia