Tyga, being my daughter, is also a good kisser. She is more of a gentle kisser, she sidles up, all loving and gooey with her eyes on that of her chosen one, looking deeply and waiting for the 'kissy kissy' noise that allows her direct contact with the pursed lips of her human. 1, 2, 3, 4 gentle kisses on her upturned face. she pushes her whiskers forwards for those intimate moments...5, 6, 7... oh yes, she would do it all day. Then she settles down, sliding about, still looking up and fluttering her eye lashes depositing eye candy kisses to great effect. Her human is subdued!
The very next best kisser is Ikon, he is smoocher and a crooner. He makes little ecstasy noises to draw in his person. He looses them in his eyes and prip prips until they are close at hand then he pushes his entire whisker pads to breaking point to make a big flat kissable area for his person to land a smooch. He only likes two and not from ManSlave, he is a girl kisser only. ManSlave and him 'mind meld' heads pressed together in a calm union.
Faith is a terrible kisser, she HATES it, even the receiving of them - point blank. Lillibet likes to BE KISSED but not give out kisses, she squeaks and trit trots about willing you to kiss her furrless head. Over and over and with each landed kiss there is a plaintive kitteny mew.
Flaire is also a non kisser, she is a head winder and only has eyes for ManSlave. Round and around and around she goes making grumbly growly noises. You know when she is ready and warmed up to pretend she wants to give a kiss as her tiny sweet mouth turns rose pink and her chocolate nose glows. But she will only come a whiskers breadth to ManSlave and veer away at the last second with a meow of that of a Siamese tom cat! She loves Momma when she is pregnant and ManSlave barely gets a look in for 2 months.
Pearl won't kiss but she will curl her tongue into the cutest shape when she mews for attention from Momma. She screams at ManSlave! Once she swiped him across the face, so their relationship has never been the same. With Momma though, she is sweet and even though her manners can be a little terse, she is at heart a darling. She likes to be kissed on her head and tummy. Weirdo!
Robyn is a shoulder rider and a busy kid. She likes to be kissed all over at bed time and rumbles away as a reward, but as for real on the lips giving smooches, she is more likely to just blow butterfly kisses with her eyes and then in return the human gets their eyelashes washed and then she goes silly and starts biting the soft fleshy bits! SaBreens is about the same, although she purrs just to look at her, but don't test that tortie temper! Like her mum, she is sweet - with a twist!
Last but not least is Magnus Rex. Considering he is Ikon's son and in actions is spitting image to everything his Dad does, he dislikes smooching or toe bean kissing - he surly will be tortured some more until he relents and makes a smoochy boy. Although, with his Mother Flaire's feisty behaviour it may take some hard work on the Parentals side!
Until next time smoocharoos - much slobbering from your Queen Vee =^..^=