This morning Flaire wanted the babies moved to the kitten box where we all grew up. It is safe in there. Yesterday, she was having fluids pumped into her at the vets, so I think she wanted her babies in the safest place possible once they were all home. I snuck into the Kitten Room and had me a little peak and to make sure my 'skin & blister' was well. She kissed me on my ear and pirruped at me and then allowed me to look into the kitten box to see my new family members. It was then I spotted double trouble. Oh no, I reeled back, GIRLS! I hot tailed it out to tell Pearl that she had a half brother and TWO half Sisters. We know what this this means.... The Summer vacations in Amara the Caravan are going to get mightily crowded! Pearl stamped her feet in her brat like fashion. No, no, no I don't want a sister from another mister!
These wee bairns are just darling and so fat and chubby. Flaire really is giving them every ounce of herself. They are, of course, very feisty and all after that one nipple that has the magic growing potion in it. It smells different to the other nipples and worth the fight. Me, I didn't have to fight, I had a complete array of nips to drink from being the only child, I could have the magic growing nipple every day! These little squeakers really do hammer each other about. I can see Momma lifting them out in a few days to snip their claws back a bit - that will be a funny sight, she needs huge binoculars just to see tiny things now. It will be a major deal. Operation Claw Trim. Out with the overhead light, on with the spot light and popped under a magnifying glass with clippers as long as them. Their nails no bigger than a flea riding a gnat.
Today, Momma and I are in bed. Momma had to hand feed the trio because Barry White, their Daddy, is a different blood type and they would have gone to heaven before life even begins. This was a 20hr ordeal plus delivery time and the nights before where Flaire stood on her windpipe to wake her every hour for a belly rub. It has been long nights since they were born, Momma looking after Flaire as she was so tired and wouldn't eat properly. So today, it is ME TIME! Time for me and time for snuggles. I have missed her and each time she would surface from the kitten room, I would wake up from outside the door and demand a cuddle. All of us feel a bit bereft of love, even Faith is being funny to lift our spirits. Carrying toys and calling us with her mouth full, then slapping us if we turn up! Now, King Slinky left instructions in his will about the rights to CatLine - I need to find out if it does exist. We can't be short on love you know!
Well, Pearl and I are yelling for boy cats, but that new Kit on the block, Otta just isn't ready for me yet, so I have to wait! I will be a spinster before I get a boy cat and Pearl is FAR too young to be yelling 3 times in a month, but yell she does! She is also bigger than me, but I weigh more - go figure! I work out more than she does, she is a slother and a sleeper. I am a wildling and runner. Well, except for today, I am a kisser, smoocher, snuggler and snoozer, I do see the attraction!
Your loving Queen Viktori Vee =^..^=