Having your stitches out requires a strong stomach. ManSlave can't be in the same room when they come out. He says it makes his leggies all weak. But Momma is right in there with her pink scissors and pully thingie. Well Simon does these little X stitches so yanking them out is a bit tickly, so Momma uses the pully thing to draw the string out instead of pulling it hard. Makes for a better experience. You gotta be sure you don't cut it in the wrong place either. For example, if you just cut the stitch in the middle you could end up with a bit left in there! There is a knack and always stick to the knotted side for a smooth exit.
When Faith was neutered around Xmas, some of her wound went a little soggy. Simon called it a long fancy name and pulled out his stitches and stapled her tummy together. It was a bit yucky and Momma winced when he clipped her tummy back together. Faith still had a few stitches left so Momma removed those but had to take her back for the staples to be removed. Faith was very brave and the process is very quick indeed with a special remover, kind of like the one in our office. ManSlave reckons we could have laid her out in the office and done the job just as well? This is the human whose leggies go weak. Yeah, right ManSlave!
Well, it's all done. I am purple thread free. It didn't hurt and in fact I didn't even move a muscle. It's my third operation, not including pompomdectamy, so I am a dab-paw at such things. Well, the rest of the day is mapped out now. It is linen change day, so I shall retreat to the top of the fridge and smell the delights that are rising from the depths of the oven. It's a lovely piece of Simmental beef that is making a delicious smell today. I doubt I will get any bits of that but Momma may let me lick a little gravy from her finger if I am a good boy. But until then I can lay here and dream of my bowl being filled to overflowing with it.
KS =^..^=