Being an Office Cat is regarded as a special task. You are to be sedentary and well behaved. Never to touch the key pad on the laptop like Robyn, who was also not asked back after her work experience. Like her half sister, she was all legs and feet and pressing this and that with her busy paws. A quick purr as an apology to Momma for calculating things all incorrectly and all was forgiven until next time. I think these three will be on beverages only with occasional light filing duties in the future. They don't know their A's from their Z's so that will be interesting! Now, I am very good at filing especially the zeds, I can fit many of those in on my filing mat. Zzzz..... Sorry, I dropped off there for a second! Many years ago, King Slinky wrote a Blog about Faith and the printer, now she could care less if it prints all day and night. It's not as exciting as the first time she heard it. She leaves that to the under two year old kitties who are still fascinated with the hum and trundle of the paper flow. Tyga and Ikon still get a kick out of it!
Momma has a new office machine arriving on Wednesday. It cuts all sorts of things and crimps, slices, trims and creases. It will be a great addition to our enjoyment of office life and give something else for Momma to tell us to keep our paws out of! Included in this grand purchase is a new filing cabinet which will free up desk space for, yep you guessed it, a cat bed! The desk is currently covered in archive boxes which we love to sleep in the tops of and this makes and endless daily struggle gaining access to the files. The days of ease of access are gone and a new streamlined office must happen and that means ManSlave has to learn where to look for stuff and even put it away?! I shall take charge and show him around especially as the new filing cabinet will be very tall and I will need a ladder to gain access to the top. Where there is a will, there is a way!
To make room for the new contraption and cabinet there has been much reshuffling in the bright neat bijou room. It has to double up as a craft come space with sewing area and card making section as well as an office that run no less than 5 businesses that Momma looks after so the archiving and filing is very strict and purging of nonsensical items is required. Anyone looking at this tiny 8ft x 9ft space would be baffled at it's walls which are full of paintings and collected bits and pieces of important meanings with boxes filled to the brim of useful and needed things and cupboards full of important documents which has to be in cupboards as we love to tip things up and stand on papers and chew the corners and holepunch where they shouldn't be. It is quintessentially unique and bespoke and tailored for a crazy cat house full of busy felines.
The working week is now over and our day of rest starts, except, we are going to be busy cats today. We have Mishka's family popping up to meet us all. It will be a lovely day and yesterday ManSlave trimmed up a bit of Welsh lamb in preparation for their visit. We were hoping for warmer weather so we could show off in the garden and play about and show off our tribe of Horrible Horraces. We are trying to find good homes for them as we have 17 of the furry grey jobs and I see from the lady ones, there is another batch on the way! I wonder if Mishka's folks might want to take some home later today? We have lost nearly all the slate that was laid last summer, that's two tons vanished into the wilderness and all I can see is squirrels racing too and fro with mini wheelbarrows piled high with OUR SLATE! They must have a complete Horrible Mansopn out there. I hear real estate is going up in this area. No wonder if they are hiking up the prices and making a mint selling slate dwellings to hedgehogs, badgers and birds. They will need retrospective planning soon and who will pay for that? Us, out of our cat food fund probably!
I must dash, I have to get ready for visitors and we have to be brushed and ears cleaned as well as a quick Mani-Pedi to complete the look. I am sure we will all have to wear our Sunday best collars and look the part and get ready for cuddles and kisses, especially Tyga, who is feeling very bright and happy.
Until later folks, your eternal Queen Vee =^..^=